


En résumé

Bonjour à tous, j'ai 40 ans, marié et père de deux jolies bébés qui fetent respectivement 6 et 2 ans déja !!! je vous adore mes puces !!! J'ai fait des études commerciales et financières ponctuées par une formation en management, j'ai déjà occupé plusieurs postes de responsabilité par le passé, aujourd’hui j'occupe celui de Unit FINANCE DIRECTOR chez General Electric Algérie ou je compte réaliser beaucoup de succès..

Mes compétences :
Contrôle de gestion


  • General Electric Algérie - Directeur Financier

    2011 - maintenant - Reports on a weekly basis the project’s main KPI’s (Orders, GM Orders, Sales, GM Sales, S&A, IFO, FCF)
    - Ensure the accuracy and timely reporting to the HQ in Baden (Switzerland) and Paris (France).
    - Prepares and validates the monthly business reviews and quarterly project’s reviews.
    - Ensure the follow-up of financial KPI’s of the projects in execution.
    - Prepares and validates the unit budget (for both Gas & Services).
    - Cash focus and reconciliation at both unit and project’s level.
    - Bonds & Guarantee management.
    - Set up of the unit finance organization (evaluating team members, hiring new staff process with HR,…)
    - Manage the local Power finance team at head quarter and sites level
    - Ensure the well management of local resources
    - Clean up of the local books (BS-P&L (GL Accounts-PO) ERP SAP R3 module.
    - Contributes to the Tax reconciliation (G50 – G29 ex 301bis)
    - Contributes to the Social Security reconciliation (on a monthly & annual basis)
    - Internal Control Questionnaire & Compliance (Action Plan follow-up)
    - Set up of the local procedures
    - Be part of the monthly management meeting in order to share and contribute to the company strategy and business.
    - Be a key role in term of communication with the clients, local authorities (Tax, Bankers, and Government).
  • Fujitsu Technology Solutions, Algeria. - Finance & HR Manager

    2010 - 2011 - Implementation of financial systems and tools to improve decision making ability of local and regional staff.
    - Support local and regional staff in preparing and executing business plans.
    - Match & clear the balance sheet for Algeria business area, ERP SAP FI modules.
    - Managing local balance sheet & tax return under the new IAS IFRS norms.
    - Fiscal year budget and forecasts.
    - Ensure that the monthly and quarterly reporting requirements are achieved and that the accounting and processes are in line with the group's policies.
    Establish and maintain monthly forecasting process to ensure the timely and accurate preparation of quarterly and interim forecasts.
    - Support local management in implementation and maintenance of the control system.
    - Further develop the accounting systems, focusing on enhancing functionality as well as providing training and process guidelines.
    - Coordinate and share system know-how locally and with other entities in the Region (Tunisia, Algeria, & Morocco).
    - Be a key point of contact for the legal department on financial matters and coordinate on a country level on insurance, pension, treasure and legal entity management.
    - Monthly tax declarations.
    - Monthly social security declarations.
    - Admin issues.
    - Evaluation of local human resources.
    - Reporting to the HQ in Germany for all finance issues.
    - Reporting to the HQ in Germany for all HR issues.
  • US Embassy, Algiers. - Auditor Voucher Examiner

    2009 - 2010 - Accounts Receivables (Consular collections)
    - Accounts payables
    - Checking vendors invoices and submit for approval
    - Check up of the invoices recording into the financial/accounting system (RFMS)
    - Social security declaration (monthly and yearly)
    - Managing the budget
    - Evaluation Performance Report
    - Payrolling.
    - Internal control procedures & cost’s analysis.
    - Reporting to the Head office
  • First Calgary Petroleums Ltd - Finance & Treasury Manager

    2006 - 2008 - Accounts payables approval.
    - Preparing the monthly business review held with HQ.
    - Recording the invoices into the accounting system (SUN).
    - Social security declaration (monthly and yearly).
    - Monthly Tax declaration.
    - Managing the Cash call.
    - Reporting to the group in Calgary, Alberta (Canada)
  • Power Well Services - Financial Officer

    2005 - 2006 - Accounts Receivables
    - Billing
    - Reviewing customers contracts
    - Recovering money
    - Accounts payables
    - Checking vendors invoices and submit to the Country Manager for approval
    - Recording the invoices into the accounting system (SAP)
    - Social security declaration (monthly and yearly)
    - Tax declaration (monthly)
    - Tax return
    - Managing the balance sheet (US GAAP standards) / Cost analysis.
    - Managing the profit and lost report (P&L)
    - Budget & forecasts
    - Reporting to the group in Houston, Texas (USA)
  • EPLF Boumerdes - Directeur Administration et Finance DAF

    2004 - 2005 - Assist the General Manager in supervising the admin & accounting activities.
    - Preparing the social security declaration (monthly & yearly).
    - Preparing the monthly tax declaration.
    - Preparing the tax return.
    - Promotion of the hiring process.
    - Procedures of employee’s evaluation & performances (EPR).
    - Payroll plan (LCP).
    - Promotion of the human resources activities in the group.
    - Budget & forecasts.
    - Reporting to the group.
    - Prepare & assist to the management meetings.
  • EPE EMCOPRAL SPA - Chef de Service Finance

    1998 - 2003 - Responsible of a team of six (06) accountants
    - Managing the balance sheet / Cost’s analysis.
    - Assuming the Accounts Receivables (billing, recovering)
    - Assuming the accounts Payable, (Approvals, final payments)
    - Managing the treasury (cash flow, banking, cash payments)
    - Managing the payroll plans.
    - Budget & forecasts
    - Reporting to the group



Annuaire des membres :