


En résumé

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  • Actual Components Ltd - Sales / Logistic

    2001 - 2009 Actual Components is looking for partners to lead semiconductor industry.
    If you have any brilliant ideas such as contents, community service, strategic cooperation that can be shared with Actual Components, DO NOT hesitate to contact us. Actual Components will be your reliable partner brought you the success.
    Actual Components Ltd. is a perfect source for electronic component and production line (as well as assembly and testing of the final product), procurement methods allow customers to benefit from wholesale prices and have all their needs fulfilled to the assembly line.
    Actual Components regularly buys obsolete components and maintains an inventory of components that are hard to find elsewhere.
    Actual Components trades & supplies components of all kinds such as: obsolete, short lead time, long lead time, leaded, Lead-Free, RoHs and Green. Actual Components also specializes in military components.
    You can send us your BOM/excess list as an attachment to


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