


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Marketing relationnel
marketing direct


  • Wide Agency, Groupe Micropole - Digital CRM Consultant

    2015 - maintenant
  • GrDF, Groupe GDF SUEZ - Digital Marketing Project Manager

    Paris 2014 - 2015
  • Lagardère - ECRM Project Manager at Lagardère Active

    PARIS 2011 - 2014
  • Lagardère - Traffic Manager/ Emailing Manager

    PARIS 2009 - 2011
  • Psychologies Magazine//Lagardère Active - Chargée Web Marketing

    2009 - 2009 - Animation éditoriale du site test-et-vous.com, la chaîne de tests de Psychologies.com
    - Création des newsletters et gestion opérationnelle des campagnes email marketing
    - Mise en place de partenariats éditoriaux ( MSN Femmes, Lemonde.fr, Orange pour Elles, Parship)
    - Reporting et suivi des performances
  • PSYCHOLOGIES MAGAZINE - E-business Assistant Marketing Manager - Intern (seven-month)

    PARIS 19 2008 - 2008 • Customer service management (e.g. answer Internet users request by emails, resolve problems)
    • Design web site animations to increase the traffic and to gain the loyalty of psychologies.com members (e.g. sweepstakes, questionnaires, online test)
    • Putting politics to develop loyalty of members and recruitment politics
    • Research of new partners for co-branding (by exchanges of banners, by exchanges of opt-in address, by exchanges newsletter insertion)
    • Manage contracts with partners
    • Keyword research (e.g. to research for keywords related to Psychologies Web site, and to analyze of which ones yield the highest return on investment (ROI))
    • Analyze of Psychologies Web site audience and reporting (Nielsen NetRatings, Site centric Cybermetrie)
    • Suggest marketing strategies to boost audience
  • BNP PARIBAS - Customer Service

    Paris 2007 - 2007 • Responsible to examine the target market
    • Survey market of financial products
    • Advise financials products to clients (savings insurance, opening bank account)
    • Prospect new clients for financial manager (inform customer about BNP PARIBAS products and services, take appointment)



Annuaire des membres :