


En résumé

Nothing better than the quote of the Chinese thinker and philosopher Confucius ( 551–479 BC) to summarize what I'm doing and what I'm looking for:
"Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life."

Mes compétences :
Modélisation 3D
Gestion de projet


  • Continental - Manufacturing IT - Graduate Program

    Toulouse 2018 - maintenant 12 months in the Home plant: Getting a deep insight into all manufacturing related processes especially in the supporting (local and central) IT systems, their interfaces and the related dataflow.

    6 months Central operations Phase: Getting a profound knowledge on the central systems architecture and the interaction of different central departements.
  • Safran - Software Development Project Manager

    Paris 2016 - 2018 Provide softwares to Renault/ Nissan with the aim of calibrating the engines.

    Manage all aspects of software development based projects from initiation through Closure.
    Plans, coordinates and directs all activities associated with developing project plans:
    - monitor the development of the softwares (Matlab, Simulink, and VBA) and managing the associated planning and resources
    - provide access to the tools on Renault and Nissan's network and implementation of new calibration processes.

    Participate actively in the activities of reduction of cost for the engine part development (production gain day/hour for R&D teams, earnings hours of bench tests/Class of vehicles, capitalization/Standardization of the methods of development.
  • Daimler Ag - Engineer in training R&D/UI (User-Interaction)

    LE CHESNAY 2016 - 2016 Identification of the mechanical impedance of the human finger during the pushing task
    of a control element (Pushbutton, Touchpad, Touchscreen…)
    - Conducting an experiment and analyzing the correlation of the results
    - Reproducing the identified impedance in a finger-like-probe
  • Daimler AG - Engineer in Training R&D/UI ( User-Interaction)

    LE CHESNAY 2015 - 2015 Design a robotic finger able to reproduce the mechanical impedance of a human finger during its interaction with a control element (Pushbutton, Touchpad, Touchscreen…)
  • Université d'Orsay - Travail d’initiative Personnel encadré

    2011 - 2013 Travail d'initiative Personnel encadré, Lycée de L'Essouriau,
    Etude de l'influence du profil d'aile sur la stabilité d'un avion avec réalisation d'une manipulation au
    sein du laboratoire FAST (Fluides, Automatiques et Systèmes Thermique) ;Université d'Orsay.


  • Polytech'Paris-UPMC (Ecole Polytechnique Universitaire Pierre Et Marie Curie)

    Paris 2013 - 2016 Formation d’ingénieur en Robotique

    Préparation à la gestion de projets multidisciplinaires et au rôle d’intégrateur.
    Enseignements en mécatronique et informatique pour les applications à la robotique.
    Projets réalisés:
    o 2014 - 2015 : Programmation d’un robot industriel humanoïde Baxter pour assister un chirurgien pendant les opérations chirurgicales mini-invasives.
    o 2013 - 2014 : AI programming contest, SDL programming projec
  • Lycée L'Essouriau

    Les Ulis 2011 - 2013 Deux années de classes préparatoires

    PSI / PCSI
Annuaire des membres :