


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Autonomie et initiative


  • Institute of Zoology, London - Trainee

    2015 - maintenant
  • Imperial College London - Trainee

    London 2014 - 2015 Faculty of Natural Sciences, Department of Life Sciences, Silwood Park, Imperial College London.

    Supervised by Dr. Richard Gill.

    Light-Microscopy, morphometrics analysis of pollen, R software.

    Working on the effects of pesticide exposure on pollen foraging of bumblebees.
  • Coral Reef Ecosystem Laboratory, Australia - Trainee

    2013 - 2013 Supervised by Dr. Sophie Dove and Dr. Simon Dunn.

    High-performance liquid chromatography, cell counts, airbrushing of the corals and protein extraction, statistical analysis using Minitab (one-way ANOVA).

    Writing of a scientific report about the understanding of the regulatory mechanisms of the cnidarian-dinoflagellate symbiosis.
  • Queen Elizabeth Hospital - Trainee

    2012 - 2012 Molecular pathology diagnostic services, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust, United Kingdom. Supervised by Dr Philippe Tanière.

    A major cancer centre and one of the biggest molecular pathology diagnostic services in the UK with more than 5000 tumours tested yearly for gene mutations.

    Nucleic acid extraction, histological studies of testis samples by real time PCR and quantitative PCR. Use of Cobas® equipment for mutation detection, Rotor-Gene® instrument and BioMarkTM HD System Fluidigm to analyse the level of expression of genes.

    Writing of a scientific report about the frequency of mutations in KRAS, BRAF and EGFR genes and the level of expression of ERCC1 gene in pancreatic cancer.
  • Universite Catholique de Lyon - Etudiante

    Lyon 2010 - 2013


  • Imperial College

    London 2014 - maintenant MRes in Ecology, Evolution and Conservation

    Ability to communicate researched finding in writing and groups of students.

    Trained in Geographical Information System and its use in software such as QGIS and R and statistics.
  • ESTBB (Ecole Supérieure De Biologie Biochimie Et Biotechnologies) _Université Catholique De Lyon

    Lyon 2010 - 2013 Assistant de laboratoire

    Case Study to look at the feasibility to set up a medical laboratory in Congo for the NGO “Médecins d’Afrique”.

    Bacterial identification, spectrophotometry, chromatography (HPLC, LPLC), electrophoresis, PCR, cloning, nucleic acid extraction, cell culture, ELISA.


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