
Sebastien BRAMARDI


En résumé

Artisan en mécanique musicale

Mes compétences :


  • Intermittents du spectacle - Ingénieur du son

    1992 - maintenant STUDIO:
    Album Francis Cabrel (In Extremis); Recording.
    Album: Serge Lopez & Nathalie Marin (Danzas Sinfônicas): Mixing & Mastering.
    Album Le Soldat Rose 2: Additional sound.
    Album Grand corps malade (Funambule): Additional sound "La traversée".
    Album Francis Cabrel (Vise le ciel): Recording.
    Album Les Fouteurs de Joie (La belle vie): Recording.
    Album Fab Forever: Title1 (For no one, Francis Cabrel): Mixing.
    Album L'Affaire Brassens: Additional sound and Mixing.
    Album Aurelie Cabrel (Oserai je): Additional sound and mixing.
    Album compte pour enfant (L'enfant porte): Recording and Mixing.
    Album Souad Massi (Ô houria): Recording and Mixing.
    Album Serge Lopez (Au fil de l'horison): Additional sound and Mixing.
    Album Francis Cabrel (des roses et des orties): Recording.
    Album Zachary Richard (Lumiere dans le noir): Additional sound.
    Album Serge lopez Trio (Live au Sorano): Recording live and Mixing.
    Album Stephane Mondino (Roll Over): Recording and Mixing.
    Album Daguerre (O Désir): Recording and Mixing.
    Album Duo Grim (Dans le vide): Recording and Mixing.
    Album Francis Cabrel (Hors Saison): Additional sound.
    Album Eric ginhac (Chien seul): Recording and Mixing.
    Album Michel Françoise (4): Recording.
    Album Peter kingsbery (Once in a million), title 01 "Better you know": Recording and Mixing.
    Album Le Manège Grimaçant (1er des Tour): Recording and Mixing.

    Francis Cabrel Solo (FOH engineer).
    Serge Lopez (FOH engineer).
    Aurelie Cabrel (FOH engineer).
    Francis Cabrel (monitor sound engineer).
    Nolwenn Leroy (monitor sound engineer).
    Zachary Richard (monitor sound engineer).
    Origine Contrôlée (monitor sound engineer and FOH engineer).
    L'Enfant porte (monitor sound engineer).
    Daguerre (FOH engineer).

    Spécialisations : -recording studio
    -mixing studio
    -monitor live
    -foh live

    - Formateur son chez MAO center.

    Desk Neve, SSL, DDA... Magnétophone analogique, numérique, Montage etc...
    Logiciels: Protools HD, Cubase, Wave Burner...
    desk Midas, Paragon, Inovason, Studer, Yamaha, DDA...
    Logiciel; smart live.


Pas de formation renseignée


Annuaire des membres :