AccedY Sagl - Lugano SUISSE
- Fondateur
2018 - maintenant
AccedY is the result of several years of work for its creator Serge Covain, but also of his experience.
Aware that connected exchanges represent the future of societies, messaging contains flaws:
"Every month, the world's media announce to the general public a new scandal: espionage,
data theft, hacking... If colossal systems can be penetrated, what about the security of home
networks or smaller devices? »
Since the beginning of his career, Serge Covain has put his knowledge and technical skills
at the service of others and computer science. He obtained a Master's degree in
mathematics at the University of Nice, he worked for ten years with the large medical
group Bayer as an engineer in the biochemistry and diagnostics sector. He developed
machines capable of determining the exact biochemical composition of a blood
He continued his career by creating his own company in the medical sector,
which he called "Alcyon Analyzer". In 1997, Serge Covain sold his company in
the United States, to Abbott Laboratories, listed on the SP500.