


En résumé

A charismatic engineer/manager with 14+ years’ experience in the fields of PMO (Project Management Office) and Quality Management System in an international fast paced environment.

I have a successful track record in driving companies to ISO 90001 certification and in supporting Project and Programme Managers to achieve benefit, from standardizing and following project management policies, processes and methods.

Involved in Quality and PMO projects in the financial, aeronautical, electrical and pharmaceutical domains, I am extremely passionate about driving organizations towards excellence, bringing shareholder value and enterprise effectiveness, promoting change and improving processes.

An accomplished communicator, able to engage and build relationships at all levels, ensuring delivery of first-rate results in high pressure, cost and service critical environment.

Specialties: Quality Management
ISO 9001 certification
Process and Performance improvement
Project coordination
Project Management Methodologies
Resources allocation

Mes compétences :
Quality Management
Project coordination
Resource allocation


  • RT KNITS - Project Manager Systems - Continuous improvement

    2017 - maintenant
  • VWR International - Quality Manager

    Fontenay sous Bois 2014 - 2016 Implement a Quality Management System based on ISO 9001:2008
  • Cegedim - PMO for EMEA region

    Boulogne-Billancourt 2010 - 2013 Cegedim Relationship Management helps life Science & Consumer Care companies in delivering leading technology and services for improving their medical promotions. CRM’s global solution, Mobile Intelligence, enables pharmaceutical companies to use Cegedim’s offers on a global, regional or local scale.

    I'm tracking all EMEA Mobile Intelligence suite implementation projects both on qualitative and quantitative aspects.

    -Lead the weekly resource allocation meeting with Resource Managers from Poland, Spain and India to allocate resources to new or on-going MI implementation projects
    -Coordinate the implementation of a Resource Planning tool for tracking allocated and available resources in the development centres (Poland, Spain and India)
    -Set up and maintain appropriate communication bridges with Regional and local Project Managers in order to get accurate information on implementation projects:
    Build-up of a consolidated Monthly Progress Report (MPR) used by Project Managers to do the follow-up of their projects in terms of man-days spent
    and forecasted, milestones...
    -Build up and maintain of an exhaustive portfolio (Access and SharePoint) of each EMEA implementation project (local or regional)
    -Govern invoicing from Corp to Regions/affiliates related to implementation projects
    -Produce and maintain EMEA Operations dashboard and adhoc analysis
    -Set up and maintain appropriate communication bridges with Sales teams in order to get accurate information on upcoming projects:
    Opportunities analysis – help to anticipate on resources requirements for upcoming and leads
    -Design of templates and processes for project follow-up and management
    -Enforce the application of the templates and processes throughout the EMEA region and in particular for affiliates
    -Organise and lead training of EMEA Project Managers
  • Sanofi-Aventis - Project Management Support

    Paris 2010 - maintenant Management, coordination and support of IS projects following the SIMPLe IS Project Methodology from Sanofi-Aventis
    - Kick-off and follow up meetings with stakeholders
    - Drafting of project documents and meeting minutes, checking of milestones crossing...
    - Reporting to top management through dashboards with Key Project Indicators, risks, issues…
    Develop, track and manage Project Schedule and Resources in Microsoft Project
    Track, manage and escalate project risks, issues, changes...
    Develop and implement project specific communication plans
    Interact with business and technology organisations, to assist in achieving project's goals
  • EDF - PMO Corporatif

    Paris 2008 - maintenant Appui au secrétaire du Comité Informatique de la Direction Optimisation Amont/Aval & Trading (DOAAT)
    - Etablissement de l’ordre du jour, suivi des actions et décisions, coordination de la production des dossiers décisionnels, animation du comité et rédaction du relevé de décisions
    Consolidation et suivi budgétaire des affaires du domaine Opérations Services Exploitation (OSE)
    Coordination de la mise en œuvre, des actions affectées au domaine OSE (avec réalisation de certaines d’entre elles) par les différentes instances du SI de la DOAAT
    Pilotage de la communication des faits marquants du domaine sur l’intranet SIME
    - Expression de besoin au Webmaster
    - Recette fonctionnelle du site et sa validation
    - Reporting mensuel des faits marquants du Domaine à la Direction
    Réunion Etat Major - OSE
    - Rédaction de l’ordre du jour de la réunion EM-OSE en mettant à contribution les membres de l’état major
    - Animation de la réunion et rédaction du CR
    Appui au pilotage du projet de rezoning de la salle d’optimisation
    - Mise en place d’un macro planning des tâches
    - Suivi du journal de bord du projet
    - Organisation des réunions de suivi, animation et rédaction du CR
  • Alcatel - Ingénieur Qualité

    Paris 2005 - 2005 Development of a "Global Process Efficiency matrix" in the framework of Alcatel's Quality charter, to promote and mesure the use of continuous improvement tools used to share and harmonize best practices

    Design and development of a consolidation module for the results coming from the "GPE matrix"

    Improvement of the "Customer Satisfaction Survey" toolkit ergonomy in order to facilitate the realization of a questionnaire by the non-experts for customer satisfaction mesurements

    Drafting of a User Guide for the GPE matrix
  • RTE - Réseau de transport d'électricité - Ingénieur Qualité

    Puteaux 2005 - 2008 Appui au management des Processus d'Ingénierie (Réalisation des constituants du SI, Maintenir en Conditions Opérationnelles les constituants du SI) : préparation et co-animation des réunions du comité de processus, calcul et analyse des indicateurs, participation à la gestion du Référentiel des Processus, suivi des actions du comité...

    Appui au management d'un Service d'Ingénierie pour l'application de l'ensemble du Système de Management de CN2i (ISO 9001 : 2000) : préparation et animation des réunions d'état-major, appui aux Chefs de projet et autres membres du service pour l'application du SM, l'analyse des causes des événements indésirables ou des propositions d'amélioration, prise en compte des évolutions d'exigences externes au service, informer et conseiller les Chefs de projet dans l’application du SMQ...

    Travail en étroite collaboration avec les autres membres de l'équipe Steria pour l'amélioration continue du service rendu au client
  • AIR FRANCE - Ingénieur Qualité

    Roissy CDG 2004 - 2004 Identification and implementation of improvement actions by an effective listening and by a customer satisfaction measurement at the “Direction de la Maintenance” at Orly

    Improvement of interface contracts between the customer/supplier processes in order to better integrate the customer’s voice (expectations, needs) in the processes

    Participation at the ISO 9001:2000 certification audit of the
    “Direction de la Maintenance”

    Implementation of a process performance indicator in compliance with customers’ expectations

    Communication effectiveness measurement at the “Direction de la Maintenance”


Annuaire des membres :