- Director
Saint Priest
2018 - maintenant
Director Base Engine, engineering department, responsible for the development of more than 80% of the engine parts. Full product ownership.
50 employees, organized in 5 groups: Simulation & NVH / Engine Structure / Cranktrain Systems / Valvetrain & Auxiliary Systems / Fluids Systems ; + 1 Chief Engineer
Implementation of a change program targeting overall performance and customer satisfaction, and based on some key principles:
- Agile way of working
- Empowerment of group managers and team members / Accountability
- Product ownership over the whole lifecycle, from Advanced Engineering to after-market
- Cross functional collaboration
- Competence versatility / T shape engineers
- Mastering of new technologies
- Strong line organization managing people and technology (removal of Matrix organization)
This change program was initiated by a complete reorganization, with the recruitments of all groups managers and Chief Engineers, and followed by a review of the team members allocation to the different groups.
- Outsourcing strategy leader
Saint Priest
2017 - 2018
Definition of the outsourcing strategy for Powertrain Engineering Sweden
Identification of candidates for outsourcing (products and activities) to resolve the unbalance: project portfolio vs internal resources / Opex.
In coordination with the purchasing organization: identification of partners and contracts for every candidate.
Optimization of the work sharing with other Volvo development sites, mainly Bangalore (India), Curitiba (Brazil), Lyon (France) and Malmö (Sweden): footprint of every site, efficiency improvement, project transfer.
Development of tools to support the “Make or Buy” decision.
Execution of outsourcing (Project Manager role).
Benchmark in the vehicle industry. See less
- Manager Laboratory Development Sweden + Global Laboratories Development Responsible
Saint Priest
2014 - 2017
1- Manager Laboratory Development Sweden: Manage the group responsible to study and realize everything new in the engine and transmission laboratories: Mechanical, Electrical, Measurements, Fluids, Simulation, Automation and IT, Methodology. Responsible of the Laboratories strategy and investments. Responsible of the Laboratories quality. Responsible of the Laboratories financials & Business Control.
2- Global responsible of the Volvo Laboratories (Sweden, France, US, Brazil, Japan): global road map, global investment plan, global development and harmonization strategy, global quality and correlation.
- Manager d'équipe + Responsable Road Map globale centres d'essais
Saint Priest
2008 - 2014
Manager du service « Measurement And Analysis » du laboratoire d’essai moteur (15 pers) : encadrement technique (tests et mesure), humain (objectifs, plans de carrière, plans de formations), gestion de l'activité(Business plan, budget, adéquation charge / ressource, assurance satisfaction clients, investissements...)
Responsable de la Road Map globale des centres d'essais : pilote pour les centres d'essais de France, Suède, Japon, Etats Unis, Brésil et France de la vision 2012 --> 2017.
Renault Trucks (Volvo Powertrain France)
- Team Leader
2007 - 2008
Team Leader du service « Mechanical Measurement and Analysis » du laboratoire d’essais moteur (4 personnes)
Renault Trucks (Volvo Powertrain France)
- Ingénieur informatique industrielle
2004 - 2007
Ingénieur informatique industrielle dans le service « Engine Test Automation » du laboratoire d’essais moteur