


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Catia v5


  • Acaly - Chef de Projet Travaux Neufs

    Lille 2016 - maintenant Consultant/Project Manager

    Managed 2,5 millions euros of investment in a one-year project to expand the wastewater treatment plant of two factories.

    Main achievements carried from studies to commissioning, not to mention execution :
    -Constructed and commissioned a secondary decanter (38-metre-long concrete tank), 835 000€.
    -Studied and installed all the piping of the decanter, 375 000€.
    -Installed and commissioned a physico-chimical pre-treatment unit (a Dissolved Air Flottation technology), 674 000€. Also ran a pilot unit to test this technology in the beginning of the mission.
    -Installed and commissioned a rental sludge deshydratation unit, also managed the disposal of this sludge
    -Studied the aerobic system of the factory (high versus low speed aerator) ; OPEX/CAPEX budget and investment return.

    Skills demonstration
    -Provided proactive leadership to get each works done in time.
    -Written contractuals requierements, taken care of tenders process and negociation
    -Managed entire workforce around the project as handwrokers, technicians, and engineers
    -Reserched solutions and optimizations to kept the budget in line.
    -Handled construction sites above, all at once. Therefore dealt with day-to-day issues and organisation.
    -Managed an electromechanical student as internship adviser for his final study work.
  • ENGIE Axima - Assitant chargé d'affaire CVC/PLB

    courbevoie 2016 - 2016
  • Bureau des sports ENSEM - Responsable d'équipe sportive

    2014 - 2015 Responsable du Basketball au sein de l'école ENSEM.

    Coaching des matchs et gestion des entraînements. Equipe arrivée en finale du championnat de l’université de lorraine.
  • ROQUETTE - Opérateur Qualité

    Lestrem 2013 - 2013 Site agroalimentaire. Prélever et analyser des échantillons de la chaîne de production, communiquer les résultats aux opérateurs de chaîne, faire le lien entre les différents laboratoires du site. Approvisionnement du laboratoire usine


Annuaire des membres :