LATRACH Soumaya achieved her Experimental Sciences bachelor level in 2006 and joined the Sciences Faculty of Monastir (FSM) to proceed her university education in physics. She chose "Materials Science (SM)" for undergraduate specialty and "Sciences Physics (SP)" in the second cycle. After four years of success, in 2010, she obtained the SP mastery from the FSM of Monastir, Tunisia. In 2011, she succeeded in the first year of “Materials and Nanostructures” research master. For her master 2 internship, she teams the Micro-Optoelectronic and Nanostructures Laboratory (LMON) in FSM, Tunisia. The underway internship subject is entitled: " Electronic properties of AlInN/AlN/GaN Heterostructures ".
Recently (2013) she started her joint PhD between University of Monastir(Tunisia) and University of Nice Sophia- Antipolis under the direction of Mr Hassen MAAREF (LMON-Monastir) and Mr Yvon CORDIER(CRHEA).
Mes compétences :
Caractérisation électrique
GaN devices
Pas d'entreprise renseignée