


En résumé

Spencer possède une solide expérience en tant que Directeur général dans des secteurs aussi variés que les ICT, le secteur de l’énergie et les secteurs juridiques et financiers.

Il est spécialiste de la conduite du changement, expérience qu’il a puisé dans la transformation et la gestion d’une firme internationale. Il a par ailleurs négocié des contrats d’infrastructure pour le compte d’un gros cabinet d’avocats d’affaires de Londres et a passé de nombreuses années à travailler pour le compte de clients, équipes sur des sujets de très haute technologie, dans des environnements des plus inhospitaliers autour du monde.

Mes compétences :
Interim Management
Recrutement par approche directe


  • Mission Talent - Consultant

    2013 - maintenant Mission Talent is a unique independent executive recruitment agency that understands the non-profit sector and its international talent requirements. This includes international NGOs, large national non-profits, foundations, governmental organizations, and the United Nations system. We find candidates who will connect with your organizational mission.
  • IPAG Business School - Visiting Lecturer

    Paris 2009 - maintenant Visiting lecturer helping future business leaders at Masters and undergraduate level get to grips with strategy, global marketing and business ethics.
  • BT Global Services - Transformation Director

    Puteaux 2007 - 2009 Member of BT plc's Transformation Leadership Team, a group responsible to the C-level BT Operating Committee for delivering a two-year transformation programme across BT Group.
  • BT Global Services - Head of Transformation (BT International)

    Puteaux 2005 - 2007 Leading the delivery of transformation programmes, projects and change initiatives across BT International, encompassing all geographies outside the British Isles.
  • BT plc - Head of Commercial for (BT Retail)

    2003 - 2005 Responsible for the commercial performance of BT Retail's web presence, with the aim of attracting customers away from the call-centres and towards online transactions.
  • BT plc - General Manager, Private Finance Group

    2002 - 2003 Leading a high-calibre team responsible for building a portfolio of long-term revenues and investing equity in complex alliance and outsourcing deals - including public-private partnerships.
  • BT plc - Business Leader

    2000 - 2002 Responsible for identifying, structuring and negotiating large-scale PFI and outsourcing deals.
  • Berwin Leighton Paisner - Senior Executive

    1995 - 2000 Partner-status role with responsibility for setting and delivering business development strategy at this leading City law firm. Finalized commercial negotiations on outsourcing, PPP and PFI deals between Government, financiers and corporates.
  • Baker Hughes - Various

    LONS 1987 - 1994 Wireline services, including reservoir evaluation, production and reservoir engineering. Pioneered borehole-imaging services, PCL and CCTW in the North Sea.


  • Cranfield School Of Management (Cranfield)

    Cranfield 1994 - 1995 MBA
  • Cranfield School Of Management (Cranfield)

    Cranfield 1994 - 1995 MBA


Annuaire des membres :