- 7 years’ experience in Small Nursery quality, with a worldwide scope(EU/ASIA),
- 13 years activity in various electronic domain(EU/ASIA),
- Permanent relationship with customer in order to improve their products quality, to reach their full satisfaction,
- Internal quality control laboratory and team management, including permanent improvement of methods and Tools,
- After sales portfolio follow up and lead,
- Decree, Directive follow up and deployment for France and Asia,
- French and Asian team operational management Quality/Projects,
- Worldwide Multicultural project management,
- Permanent improvement of products(Electronic, Fabrics, Injection, Glass...), from development till end of life,
- Internal and External suppliers audit,
- Good skills on tracking manufacturing quality metrics,
- Maintain product compliance by developing, reviewing, and refining processes as relate to the products,
- Projects management in After sales, customer oriented,
- Cost of quality and non-quality oriented,
- With proper experience with structured method for defining & executing the actions necessary to ensures a product satisfies the customer
Always like challenges, and in passion for all electronic domains or other, always looking for activities that will continue to enrich my professional curiosity and share my competencies.
Mes compétences :
Customer Services
Service après vente
Pas de formation renseignée