
Stephane ZITTOUN


En résumé

Graduated as an Airline Pilot, I founded NP6 in 1999 after 7 years as CTO in a IT services company called ACOM. I had in mind to merge IT with Marketing, which happened in 2001 when MailPerformance was first released.

In 2007, NP6 was sold to IPT, a British company listed on AIM. After two difficult but interesting years, I bought back NP6 from IPT in 2009 with Turenne Capital’s help via the LERINARDH holding company. They now hold 30% of NP6.

During our short British life, we spinned-off the team from IPT and launched MailPerformance UK Limited.

December 2010, NP6 acquired an agency dedicated to e-marketing services: B2D1.

In November 2012, two investors joined our group: Naxicap and Initiatives&Finance. With their help, NP6 will become an international leader in the e-marketing industry.

I'm focused on the risk-reward concept and as a backgammon player, I find this game very similar to real life: everyone has the same dice, but winners are those who prepared the news to be as good as possible.

To quote a famous poker player: “Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity”.

Mes compétences :


  • NP6 - SOCIO - PDG fondateur

    1999 - maintenant
  • ACOM - Directeur Technique

    1992 - 1999


Pas de formation renseignée

Annuaire des membres :