MBA, MSc - Procurement, Logistics and Supply Chain specialist
Master Procurement Management | Humanitarian Management & coordination | Emergency Ops | Preparedness and response
More than 10 years of extensive experiences in Asset Management, Procurement and Supply Chain in ICT. Successful track record of results both with the UN-WFP and Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF) in Procurement, Logistics (Storage, flight coordination and transport, distribution and information flow) locally and/or internationally, Office and programme Management, Disaster Risk Management and emergency response experiences in humanitarian and development settings.
Other skills and Competencies:
- Strong management skills and ability to manage a multicultural team across multiple geographical locations;
- Safety and security experiences in analyzing the security context, setting up a security and contingency plan;
- Logistics management and coordination, day-to-day management, transversal coordination, reporting, strategic management;
- Proven analytical skills and ability working with government and non-government for project implementation and synergy collaboration;
- Excellent proposal and report writing skills (written proposal and report, expression of need, budgeting, call for tenders, choice of service provider, ordering, and reception etc).
Strong leadership and ability to motivate teams as well as to influence actors inside and outside the organization.
I worked with United Nations World Food Program (UN/WFP) for 3 years (1993 – 1995) as assistant food monitor, with Pasteur Mérieux Connaught (1996 – 1997), Epiconcept Sarl (1997 – 2001) and with Doctors without Borders (Médecins Sans Frontières) for 16 years (2001 -2017), at the headquarters and in places where armed conflicts and natural disasters prevailed (Southern Sudan, Ethiopia, Niger, Nigeria etc...)
Demonstrated capacity to build effective networks that transcend disciplines and distance.
Mes compétences :
Achats / Procurement / Purchasing
Approvissionnement / Supply Chain
Sourcing et Negociation
Gestion de projet
Management d'equipe
Coordination Logistique
Import / Export
ICT - Reseax Informatique et Telephonie
Microsoft Office / Office 365
PC Hardware et Hardware