
Tahnee NEMO


En résumé

• Analyses and synthesis skills.
• Leading research in intercultural education and urban indigenism.
• Management and project-­‐leading experience.Partaken in Sciences Po Student Leadership program.
• Work experience in an International Organization and diplomatic fields, partaking in numerous youth leading
summits (World Youth Summit India 2015, PIMUN, IAPSS Congress London 2015)
• Trained in intercultural negotiation (alternego, Franco-Brazilian Fellowship 2014)
• Polyglot: Spanish, French, English, Portuguese, Italian, Nahuatl.

Mes compétences :
Politiques publiques
Recherche scientifique
Project Management
Note de synthèse
Communication événementielle
Traduction technique


  • TEDx Universités - Curator

    2014 - maintenant TEDx IHEP

    L'équipe de l'IHEP vous propose cette année d'engager vous présenter un TEDx Universités autour de: "The Roads not taken".

    Derrière ce thème, nous entendons faire découvrir des individus aux parcours singuliers et innovants. Les mots clés de notre évènement seront ainsi ceux de l'innovation, la créativité, l'entrepreneuriat, le leadership et impact social.

    TEDx a été créé dans l'esprit de la mission de TED, « Ideas Worth Spreading ».
    Le programme est conçu pour donner aux communautés, aux organisations et aux individus la possibilité de stimuler le dialogue à travers des expériences comme la TED au niveau local. TED est une fondation mondiale consacrée aux idées qui méritent d'être répandues. Elle a commencé en 1984, aux Etats Unis, comme une conférence rassemblant des personnes des trois mondes: Technology, Entertainment, Design. Depuis lors, sa portée est devenue toujours plus large. Avec ses deux conférences annuelles, site de vidéos des initiatives et des projets communautaires, TED est maintenant une plate-forme et un mouvement mondial axé sur des changements significatifs à travers le pouvoir des idées.

    Le programme TEDx a été créé pour permettre au plus grand nombre de personnes un accès aux idées et à la passion pour la connaissance.
  • UNESCO - Intern - Public Relations

    paris 2014 - 2014 Provided assistance for public relations: update and maintains guest lists, send invitations, register participants.

    Assisted in the preparation of communication materials relating to the events (website, programme, news, etc.), as well as other secondary content related to the project (briefs, correspondence, etc.)

    Supported logistical arrangements of the events as necessary.

    Provided assistance on other Holocaust and genocide education related activities as required.
  • Open Diplomacy Institute - Project Manager

    2014 - maintenant Since 2010, the Institute Open Diplomacy has been involved in French and International political, economic and social debates. The Institute counts with the support of numerous partners such as the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and strategic partners that have contributed to its value. Our goal is to work for a better understanding of international affairs, as we believe they remain crucial to live a fulfilled global citizenship. What we offer is a great number of opportunities leading to a greater understanding of geopolitical areas, and the main debates among international policy actors.

    Global Fellowships are an innovative pedagogical approach to professional skills development and the strengthening of the bilateral relations. They combine an understanding of global affairs with the practice of international negotiation, bridging business and diplomacy.

    For the first time, I have the chance to lead this project in a franco-mexican perspective in cooperation with the Mexican NGO Dialogos.
  • Mexican Embassy in France - Intern - Political Affairs

    2014 - 2014 Political affairs under the supervision of Cecilia Barros (Second Secretary at the Embassy) in charge of Political Affairs

    - Provided assistance for the preparation of the Embassador's diplomatic mail.

    - Assistance in the preparation of political reports (intern policy and foreign policy) and economic releases as well as other secondary content.

    - Provided assistance for public relations: updated political guest lists for the forthcoming celebration of the Mexican Independance, September 15th.

    Chancellery under the supervision of Yolanda Velazquez de Leon.

    - Provided a General Guide for Mexican citizens moving to France.

    - Assistance to the Minister Counsellor Liliana Ferrer, replacement of her assistant during holidays.

    - Preparation of releases and diplomatic mail.

    - Supports logistical arrangements as necessary.

    - Remplacement of (Minister Counsellor ) Lilian Ferrer's assistant during summer vacations.
  • MAAT - Market research consultant

    2014 - 2014 Mission d'un mois.
    Réalisation d'une étude sur le marché de l'oxygénothérapie à Sao Paulo.
    - Étude du marché "paulista"
    - Prises de contact et rencontres avec potentiels partenaires:
    1. Hospital Sao Paulo


    3. Chambre de commerce Franco – Brésilienne

    4. EOC International

    5. Equilibrio capital Brasil

    6. Gouvêa Vieira (advocacy firm)
  • Mexican Delegation to UNESCO - Intern - Education and cultural affairs

    2014 - 2014 Provided general assistance to the following under the supervision of Susana Franco (Counsellor in Education at the Mexican Delegation to UNESCO):

    - 1970 Convention Operational Guidelines preparation and discussion among the Subsidiary Committee of the 1970 Convention of illicit trafic of cultural goods, chaired by Mexican Minister Counsellor Mauricio Escanera.

    - Writing reports and/or briefs following international conference from UNESCO - Culture, Education and Sciences sectors.

    - Responsible for digital communication: updating and managing the Delegation's website and social networks. Preparation of general operating guides for futur managers.

    - Assistance to all members of the Mexican Delegation.
  • Open Diplomacy - Franco-Brazilian Fellowship Delegate

    2013 - 2014 The Franco-Brazilian Fellowship (FBF) combines an understanding of global affairs with the practice of international negotiations, bridging business and diplomacy. Overtime, the program will build a network of young talents from France & Brazil sharing the same ambition: to forge a world based on cooperation and mutual understanding. This Fellowship was an opportunity to young French and Brazilian talents to take part in a unique simulation of bilateral negotiations. The FBF 2014 took place in São Paulo - Brazil, from April 28th to May 3rd.

    This fellowship provided the following:

    - A training in intercultural and international negotiations.
    - One week negotiations on Angra III project and Franco Brazilian previous agreement for COP21.
    - Meeting with government officials and senior executives.
    - Acquiring specific knowledge about contemporary world issues and hands-on experience in international negotiation strategies.
    -Improving business english skills
  • Microsoft - Student Ambassador

    Issy-les-Moulineaux. 2012 - 2012 Commercial training at Microsoft Headquarter in Paris provided by profesors from "Cours Florent"

    - Event planning and management.
    - Windows 8 promotion campaigns
    - Community Management
  • Oxyvie - Executive assistant

    2012 - 2012 Provided assistance in the following :

    - International client base and relations.
    - Archiving of records.
    - Data entry in Oxyvie's software program.
    - Updated material data base.


  • Yale University (New Haven, Ct)

    New Haven, Ct 2015 - 2015 Summer Program - Intensive Nahuatl program

    The Council on Latin American and Iberian Studies (CLAIS) at Yale University, in partnership with IDIEZ (the Instituto de Docencia e Investigación Etnológica de Zacatecas, Mexico) offer the opportunity to study Classical and Modern Nahuatl at the beginning, intermediate and advanced levels in an intensive course that will be held at Yale in Summer 2015.
    Partly financed by a Yale scholarship.
  • Ecole Doctorale De Sciences Po Paris

    Paris 2014 - maintenant Sciences Po

    The programme is specifically geared towards students interested careers as researchers, experts in public or private international organizations.

    Leading research on intercultural education and urban indigenism in Mexico.
  • Université Paris 7 Denis Diderot

    Paris 2013 - 2014 Licence sociologie - anthropologie

    Licence de Sociologie - Anthropologie de l'Université Paris Diderot

    - Maîtrise d’une solide connaissance des fondamentaux de la sociologie et de ses principaux domaines de recherche.
    - Approche interdisciplinaire: anthropologie, démographie, philosophie, droit et économie.
    - Formation aux méthodes de recherches qualitatives.
  • Institut D Etudes Politiques De Lyon (Lyon)

    Lyon 2011 - 2013 Latin American Studies Degree (DEALC), Études latino-américaines et caraïbes,

    Le DEALC a pour objectif d’assurer une spécialisation universitaire sur cette région. Son objectif est de former des professionnels capables de prendre en charge des projets « Amérique latine » dans les domaines de de la coopération institutionnelle, de l’action associative et des entreprises situées dans/en relation avec cette région du monde.
  • Institut D Etudes Politiques De Lyon

    Lyon 2011 - 2014 Bachelor Degree

    Sciences Po Lyon is a public school of higher education whose vocation is to train students to become executives in public and private sectors. It offers a five-year education which focuses on three important sectors: public affairs, international affairs, and communication.The teaching at Sciences Po develops a multidisciplinary and progressive approach.


Annuaire des membres :