I have a strong interest in transport mobility and logistic. And I believe that people-centred engineering solutions will help to enhance the experience, the comfort and the mobility of the users within buildings and cities.
I am truly motivated with my job as part of the BuroHappold’s Smart Space team since October 2014.
The BuroHappold’s Smart Space team provides an innovative service that optimises spaces to enhance utilisation, efficiency and visitor experience in buildings and cities. We understand how people behave and interact with spaces. We use this understanding to optimise layouts, circulation capacities, wayfinding, logistics and operational strategies. The benefits of our work can be far reaching and range from improving human comfort and productivity to achieving cost savings, enhanced revenues and effective operational management.
Thierry VICTOR
Mes compétences :
Bureautique : MS Office, suite Adobe
Logiciel de simulation de flux piétons : SimWalk ,
Logiciel de CAD : AutoCAD, AutocCAD Revit
Gestion de projet
Programmation C (Base)