Timothée NSONGO
B.P : 69 Brazzaville TéléPhone: (+242)06254064 / (242) 056152596
Republique du CONGO /
Nationalité : Congolaise
Fonctions actuelles:
*2009 -aujourd'hui:Maitre de Conférences à la Faculté des Science and Techniques– Université Marien NGOUABI, CONGO - Brazzaville)
*2013- aujourd'hui: Directeur de l'Information Scientifique et Technique au Centre de Recherches Géologiques et Minières (Ministère des Mines et de la Géologie)
-2011- aujourd'hui: Administrateur African Oil and Gas Corporation (AOGC)
-2014-aujourd'hui:Président du conseil d'administration de 'Imprimerie Nouvelle du Congo (INC)
Brevets d'invention : N°2876291,N°2876292, N°2876293, N°2876294 Bulletin Officiel de la Propriété Industrielle N°15, April 14, 2006, France
Senior Lecturer, Shortlisted for Senior – Lecturer position in Physics :CAMES(African and Malagasy council for high Education )during the Enter – African Consultative committees held at YAOUNDE (CAMEROON) from 13-18 th July 2009
Senior Lecturer position (Materials Science Section) the National Council of french Universities, Official Journal No144 of June 23, 2004
Doctor of Philosophy in Materials Science and Engineering (Ph.D) - University of Science and Technology Beijing (CHINA),2001
1996:Shortlisted for Teaching - Assistant : CAMES(African and Malagasy council for high Education ) during the XVIII th session of the Enter – African Consultative committees held in OUAGADOUGOU from 21-30 th July 1996
Doctorat degree in Materials Science - University of Aix Marseille III (France),1987, with high distinction
1997- 2001: Doctor of Philosophy in Materials Science and Engineering, State Key Laboratory for Advanced Metals and Materials, University of Science and Technology Beijing (CHINA)
1996-1997: Chinese course: Beijing University of Language and Culture
1983 - 1987: Doctor degree in Materials Science
University of Aix Marseille III, Faculty of Science and technology of Marseille (France)
1981-1983 : Master degree in physics,(Supervisor: Prof. R. KERN)
(University of Aix –Marseille III - FRANCE)
1978-1981: Bachelor degree of physics (University of Aix – Marseille I - FRANCE)
Pas de formation renseignée