


En résumé

Mes compétences :
engineering manager
business development


  • Amcad Engineering - Gérant

    2004 - maintenant AMCAD Engineering offers advanced RF/microwave measurement services (pulsed IV DC/RF, Load-Pull, etc.)
    These measurements enable advanced and accurate modeling tasks of passive and active components that yield accurate simulations and speed up your product development.
    Using IVCAD platform, these measurement can be used to develop component models (nonlinear, electro-thermal). These powerful and easy-to-use models are implemented in the customer EDA tool (ADS, Microwave Office).
    Using such simulation software with a recognized experience in the modeling and design fields, AMCAD also offers hybrids and MMIC circuits design services, as well as specific analyses.

    Through a strong partnership with Agilent Technologies, Maury Microwave, AMCAD is a worldwide leader in providing specific turn-key measurement solutions for semiconductors characterization.

    Using AMCAD models, and the IVCAD software solutions, AMCAD customers are now able to perform state of the art stability analysis of microwave circuits. As for advanced modeling activity, the value proposition of nonlinear stability analysis is to secure your design flow, for improved time to market product development.
    AMCAD is based in France, but 80% of our turn over is made at the worldwide scale (USA, China, Russia, Israel, and Europe).


  • Institut De Recherche XLIM XLIM (Limoges)

    Limoges 2000 - 2003 Thèse

    Electronique Hautes Fréquences et Optique - Développement de banc de Tests pour composants à haute fréquence en régime non linéaire


Annuaire des membres :