
Tremblay JULIEN


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Fibre optique
Optical fiber


  • ITF Labs - Directeur groupe senseur

    2006 - 2008 ITF Labs is specialized in optical component manufacturing which includes: Multimode Pump Combiner, Single Mode Combiner, Fiber Bragg Grating (FBG), Differentail Phase Shift Keying Demodulator (DPSK), Packaged FBG (sensors), Optical Assemblies, and so on.

    I am in charge of the optical sensor development and applications. I am looking for opportunities to develop specific sensor applications where optical sensors is necessary. Applications where optical sensors would be outstanding are: High temperature monitoring (up to 900 deg C), Temperature monitoring in EMI environment, Long term monitoring applications (strain, temperature, RH, etc...)

    Other part of my job description is to develop and optimize optical manufacturing processes which include: proper fiber handling to preserve optical fiber integrity, fiber stripping process, fiber cleaning process, fiber cleaving process, fiber etching process, etc...
  • ITF Optical Technologies - Project Manager

    2000 - 2006 ITF Optical Technologies was a optical component manufacturer. Specialized initialy in manufacturing single mode optical component for telecom industry, evolved its product portfolio to accomodate the emrging market of multimode high power applications. In 2006, ITF Optical Technologies was purchased by Avensys. From this acquisition emerged ITF Labs, R&D company providing support to the mass production mother company Avensys Tech.

    During the ITF Optical Technology period, I was involved in the developement and introduction of new technologies to support optical manufacturing components. Project I was leading then are: introduction of Infrared Camera, Utilisation of CO2 Laser for component manufacturing and I was in charge of the fiber integrity group.


  • Université Laval (Québec)

    Québec 1983 - 1990 Spectroscopy


Annuaire des membres :