


En résumé

Senior Digital project manager specialized in international digital pharma projects, I am also fully operational as a Content manager in charge of CMS management for global/international programs releases & management across different platforms / media.

My main expertise is the management of all of digital projects types (Complete websites, eDetailings,
Branded & Unbranded programs...) through all project steps such as specs writing, team and customer management, long-term follow-up...
I am also proficient in the definition of digital strategies and the management of a company's content, on operating (web mastering) or strategic side (defining creative process and content management ...).

My strengths are my rigor in the management of projects and my ease of contact with all types of stakeholders (executives, managers, suppliers, customers, production teams).
Assets acquired through my dual commercial / digital experience.

I am fluent in both French & English.
I also master SDL Tridion (Global CMS for multi-languages worldwide companies) and localization processes.
Finally I show a strong involvement in projects subject to multiple validations and controls (pharma sector).

As a project manager, I always aim at optimizing the projects, either in terms of time and cost savings, or in term of customer satisfaction.

In my 10 years of professional experience, I have worked in different areas within various sized companies (from small to multinational structure).

Enthusiastic, self-motivated, curious and sociable, it would be a pleasure to discuss with you about my experience but also digital and football :)

Expertise and Qualities
Worldwide & local websites programs management including content management & localisation, SharePoint sites, Interactive PDF, Video & Flash animation ...
Digital strategy
Team coordination and customer care
Trade negotiations
SEO-SEM and eMarketing
Web mastering and editorial conception
CMS Administration

Mes compétences :
Gestion de projet
Stratégie digitale
Gestion de projets internationaux
Web 2.0


  • Aptus Health - International Project Manager

    2015 - maintenant nternational Project Manager in charge of programs management and transversal projects at Univadis' clients solution team.

    - Roll-out Unbranded programs in multiple countries worldwide in short timeline (15 countries in 2months 1/2)
    - Collaborate with Local franchise to support Customer Facing team promotion locally
    - Support local management teams on definition & implementation of acquisition campaigns
    - Regular reporting to Global franchise on program progresses
    - Team collaboration with internal worldwide teams to secure task completion and respect of defined budget & planning
    - Plan the project tasks, collect data and support Account team in pre-sales phase
    - Ease the content collection and implement new processes in collaboration with content teams (internal & external)
    - Manage projects accross various countries (up to 90) in collaboration with international support team
    - Brief marketing and webmaster teams on project perimeter and objectives. Ease marketing activities.
    - Monitor & track KPIs with analytics team
    - Create and manage relationship with clients accross the globe
    - Project status and feedbacks to stakeholders (internal and external)
    - Identify problems, seek and propose appropriate solutions
  • Bristol-myers Squibb - Chef de projet digital / Content Manager

    Rueil-Malmaison cedex 2011 - 2015 In this role, as part of the Internal agency, I occupied 2 positions:
    As a Content Manager, I manage content for organization’s web presence and coordinate content management across different web project.
    I also wrote processes defining the content management within the organization by collaborating with various internal services such as legal, regulatory, marketing ...

    As an Interactive Producer (Digital Project Manager), I'm in charge of digital projects management (Websites, Apps, eMailings, video & flash animations...).

    Digital Project Manager (Interactive Producer):
    Design and pilote digital projects with high technical dimension (Websites, Content Management,
    Apps, Mobile, eMailing, ...
    Manager creative and technical international team (Europe & USA)
    Take briefs, prepare SoW, estimates, planning, redact functional and technical specs, testing …
    KPIs definition, Metrics follow-ups, optimisations proposals
    Design and develop brand digital strategy
    Customer management (up to 12 brands and 21 countries)

    Content Management administrator:
    SDL Tridion CoM Project Management (up to 17 countries and +$500k)
    BMS Digital content Management processes definition
    Close day to day relationship with projects’ stakeholders (SDL Architect, Service Application Manager,
    Global Project Manager …)
    Management of creative and technical teams (EU and USA)
  • PRIMAGAZ - Chargé des sites Internet

    Paris 2009 - 2011 Brief & management projet (campagnes de communication, jeux-concours…)
    Webmastering des sites Primagaz / SEO, SEM, ROI & analyse des campagnes
    Refonte des sites Primagaz (nouveau design, organisation de contenu, fonctionnalités)
  • MBA France - Business Developer / Consultant Recrutement IT

    2008 - 2009 Business Developer / Consultant Recrutement IT au sein de la société MBA.

    Secteurs Télécoms et Environnement.
  • Manpower - Consultant Recrutement/HR Consultant

    Nanterre cedex 2007 - 2007 Consultant Recrutement CDI-CDD pour Manpower sur le bassin Orléans Sud Loire.

    Orientation Commerciale :
    - Création et développement d'un porte-feuille de clients TPE, PME-PMI et Grands comptes
    - Prospection
    - Négociation
    - Fidélisation et suivi commercial

    Orientation Ressources humaines :
    - Analyse de poste
    - Soucing Candidats
    - Pré-Qualification et entretien physique
    - Evaluation sur outils (tests SIGMUND)
    - Synthétisation des candidatures
    - Présentation des profils et aide à la décision
  • HAYMARKET Publishing press group - Stagiaire E-business

    2005 - 2005 Haymarket est le groupe de presse leader au Royaume-Uni.
    Il édite des magazines orientés grand public et professionnels.

    Au sein de la division "Directories"

    En charge d'une étude sur la refonte de l'ergonomie et la prise en main des différents sites de la division.

    Étude concurrentielle des sites de la division.

    Force de proposition pour le référencement des sites de la division.
  • SC-AGORA - Ingénieur Commercial

    2005 - 2007 SSII proposant des services de régie aux entreprises de la région parisienne et de la france entière.

    Ingénieur Commercial
    Constitution et développement d'un portefeuille clients
    Recherche et détection de profils informatiques
    Vente - Conseil - Négociation
    Suivi commercial
  • EMPRUNTIS.COM - Stagiaire E-business

    Saint Denis Cedex 2004 - 2005 Empruntis.com est l'un des leaders du courtage de crédits et d'assurance en ligne.

    Stagiaire (pour un projet étudiant en groupe)

    Etude du marché des assurances auto sur Internet

    Etude des comparateurs et courtiers en assurance auto présents sur Internet
  • GRAPHISOFT - Assistant Commercial

    2002 - 2004 Graphisoft est le leader Francais des éditeurs de logiciels destinés aux imprimeurs avec une suite logicielle complète (devisage, gestion commerciale, gestion de production)

    Assistant Commercial
    Vente – Conseil (prospection téléphonique, envois documentations)

    Suivi commercial (SAV, organisations de formations clients)

    Elaboration d’opérations marketing (communication presse, mailings, salons, journées de présentation produits)

    Accueil téléphonique et tâches administratives (préparation de devis, bons de livraisons, factures)
  • AUCHAN - Conseiller de vente

    Villeneuve-d'Ascq 2000 - 2002 AUCHAN

    Conseiller de vente Jeux Vidéos - Informatique
    (Job étudiant)

    Vente – conseil

    Mise en rayon et aménagement du rayon




Annuaire des membres :