
Valeriano CORALLO


En résumé

Je suis ingénieur en électronique de formation (spécialisé en produits mécaniques ou électromécaniques) j’ai également une expérience significative dans le management d’entreprises de moyenne dimension depuis 1984.
Je travaille depuis 1977 dans la mécanique de précision: machines outils pour l’industrie de l’automobile ainsi que dans la production de l’acier et du papier, également dans la technologie de l’information ou bien encore dans les lignes de procédé d’assemblages ou de traitement de surface.
En qualité de manager, j’aurais pu prendre ma retraite dès 31/12/2008, mais j’ai préféré continuer mes activités comme consultant, d’abord en prolongeant ma dernière expérience en tant que directeur technique et de production chez FMT, ensuite avec différentes entreprises et enfin depuis Juin 2011 je suis intervenu pour le compte d’une Société norvégienne, Akersolutions, qui produit des systèmes offshore pour l’extraction de pétrole et de gaz dans les océans. Maintenant je travaille sur un projet chez TE Le Mans pour compte de FMC Technologies Inc.
Au fil de ma carrière j’ai exercé les responsabilités suivantes :
• Directeur Général (en France)
• Directeur des Opérations (en Italie, Allemagne, Tunisie, Roumanie et en république Tchèque)
• Directeur Industriel (pour un groupe avec des sites en Italie, France, Tunisie et avec des joint ventures en Chine)
• Directeur Industriel (pour un groupe implanté en Italie, république Tchèque et Roumanie)
• Directeur de Division
• Directeur d’usine (pour un groupe italien avec des joint ventures à Taiwan)
• Directeur Technique et R&D (pour un Groupe italien avec des succursales en Chine et Inde)
• Directeur Automatismes et technico-commercial sur un marché mondial

Lors de mes expériences, j’ai été toujours impliqué dans des relations internationales pour :
• transfert de technologie, notamment pour des délocalisations et des transferts de productions,
• propositions technico-commerciales,
• réceptions d’équipements,
• pilotage de contrats,
• créations de joint ventures,
• coopérations pour la production d’équipements ou de composants électromécaniques,
• la Direction Générale ou des Opérations de sociétés en Italie ou dans le monde.
J’ai toujours choisi et recruté le personnel requis dans mes secteurs d’activité, souvent avec le support des ressources humaines et/ou de chasseurs de têtes ou bien encore en totale autonomie.
Je suis disponible soit en tant que consultant sur projets, soit pour des fonctions managériales directement en immersion dans l’organisation des entreprises.


  • Individuelle - Consultant

    CHAMBRAY LES TOURS 2009 - maintenant KSM, Inspector, Expediter, Organization Advisor,Technical Director.

    In the beginning I consulted the last Company (FMT) I managed as Technical Director, manufacturing machine tools, then I have been involved full time with Akersolutions, a Norwegian Company producing subsea system for oil and gas extraction, acting as expediter (Goliat, Atla, Brynhild, Svalin, Skuld, Viljie, Visund projects) in a supplier plant belonging to TE Connectivity, Deutsch France, and then as resident manager in Petrolvalves in Italy, expediting for an order of 20M€ of subsea valves for Total Moho. For a short task I have also cooperated with Deutsch for Supply Chain matters with sub-suppliers in Asia. Actually, I am supervising a project developed in TE Le Mans on behalf of FMC Technologies Inc.

    Type of business or sector: Machines – Subsea Systems – Electromechanical components
  • F.M.T. - Technical Director

    2008 - 2008 As Technical Director, I managed the proposal preparation, the design, the customization, the R&D and the marketing and sales of the produced machines, which are 90% for export, 50% for Far East. I took directly care of the most important Customers projects starting from the commercial proposals to the final acceptance of the equipment. I also managed the financed projects and the patents of the Company. My activity has been extended after my retirement as a consulting manager up to the end of 2009, by keeping the same responsibilities.
  • Signal Lux - Industrial Director

    Lempdes-sur-Allagnon 2007 - 2008 The Company Everel purchased in 05/2007 Signal Lux, of which I was formerly Industrial Director, and moved me back to this Company, with my previous role and assigning me also the General Management of the French Plant in Villé (Alsace), from which the Tunisian plant depended.
    I was surveying the manufacturing flows between Italy, France and Tunisia, and I was handling a Social Plan in France and the liquidation of the Tunisian plant, by relocating part of its productions to the plant of Everel in Rumenia, and part to sub-suppliers in Tunisia.
  • Everel - Industrial Director

    2006 - 2007 As Industrial Director, I managed the manufacturing subdivision in the plants of the Company, in Italy, Cechia, Rumenia and Germany. For 1 year I moved to Germany on weekly basis in order to manage the Operations of that plant, to start a social plan and to relocate some product lines to Italy.
  • Signal Lux - Industrial Director

    Lempdes-sur-Allagnon 2004 - 2005 As Industrial Director, I managed the manufacturing subdivision in the plants of the Company in Italy, France and Tunisia. I constantly moved between the plants to study and modify the organization of the work and the product lines, expanding the size of the Tunisian plant, and reducing the size of France plant. I also started some cooperations in China.
  • Pluritec / ACD Technologies - Plant manager

    2001 - 2004 As plant manager I was responsible for the manufacturing and for the technical features of the products, I implemented several improvements, I handled a joint venture in Taiwan for locally manufacturing some of our older products. I totally modified the park of the suppliers for the Company ant the purchasing strategies.
    Machines for PCB (printed circuit boards) industry, namely: punching and routing machines both with traditional tools and laser technology, machines for inspecting optically or by x-rays the PCB, lines for scratching and deburring PCB, lines for etching, presses for multi-layered PCB, mills for laminating PCB.
  • Techint / Pomini - Automation Director / Technical Sales Supervisor

    1987 - 2001 I moved form Giustina International to Pomini one year after Giustina was purchased by Pomini.
    • I kept my Company in a position of worldwide leadership in the field of roll grinders and roll shop supplies (average budget of acquisitions 45 billion Lira/year)
    • I brought with success to the acceptance from customer side of more than 150 of these machines, building strong relationships with several repetitive customers, sometimes personally in several cases
    • I supported the growth of the people dedicated to these machines and systems, both for the mechanical, electrical and automation design, and for the assembly, process, commissioning and after sales service
    • Our customers were purchasing this equipment mostly because of the automation solutions I developed
    • Promoter and responsible in my Company for R&D( projects financed by IMI under the law 46 and by Brite-Euram,
    • I personally selected and organized all the personnel for our branch office in USA (business unit machine tools), and also the system engineers we had in the other branch offices.
    • I was speaker and author in several important international conferences in Sweden, USA, China, UK , presenting papers on roll shop systems and on our realizations
  • Giustina - Technical Direction

    1977 - 1987 Initially Employee in Technical Department, then Technical Director
    I started as employee in technical department of Giustina and in the years I ended up as Technical Director (manage the technical department and its engineering outsourcing; product development; control of design solutions, cost of the projects, projects development and progress; responsibility on the results of the contractual performances of the products)
  • Fiat Research Center - Researcher

    1977 - 1977 I was working in the Acoustic Application Department, for vibration analysis and for development of testing machines for gear quality control by analysing the noise during rotation of the gears.


  • Politecnico Di TORINO (Torino)

    Torino 1970 - 1976 In the last year I was working as assistant for Controls Engineering, and I carried for my thesis some experimental/computing work at the Istituto Elettrotecnico Nazionale Galileo Ferraris
  • Liceo Classico Gabriello Chiabrera (Savona)

    Savona 1965 - 1970


Annuaire des membres :