


En résumé

Je suis à la recherche d'un poste de directeur d´Hotel.
Fort de 35 ans d'expérience dans le domaine hôtelier.

Mon parcours m'a permis de développer mes qualités de manager et d'acquérir un sens pointu de la gestion, au sein de divers hotels & resorts au niveaux national et international, en tant que Directeur Hotelier, j'étais en charge de superviser le travail des chefs de service spécialisés et de leurs subordonnés. De l'accueil des clients, à l'aménagement des chambres, en passant par le recrutement et la gestion des budgets.

Je me considère un véritable meneur d'hommes, doté d'un goût prononcé du contact et sachant être à l'écoute d'une clientèle exigeante.
Je souhaite mettre mes compétences au service de votre établissement et, ainsi, participer à véhiculer votre image de marque.

Polyglotte, je parle couramment l'anglais, le français, l´espagnol et le portugais.

Mes compétences :
Responsible for the overall management
Hotel Management
sales management
Microsoft Word
Microsoft Windows
Microsoft Office
Microsoft Excel
IBM AS400 Hardware
Fast Track Management Training


  • My House in Paradise - Management Administrator Hotel & Rental

    2013 - 2014 ( 1 year & 3 month )
    My House in Paradise-RN Brasil 150Villas + 50 Suites
    * Responsible for the overall management and strategic direction of the hotel and the condominium
  • Independent - Consultor

    2012 - 2013 * Several hotels consultancies in all operational areas. Implementation and training.
  • Dunas de Cotovelo - General Manager

    2010 - 2012 * Responsible for the overall management and strategic direction of the hotel and the condominium
  • Eco Paradise - Cumbuco CE - General Manager Hotel

    2009 - 2010 Eco Paradise - Cumbuco CE Brasil 75 rooms & suites
    * Responsible for the overall management and strategic direction of the hotel
  • Grupo VIGIA - Resorts Sales Manager

    2007 - 2008 ( 1 year & 2 month )
    Grupo VIGIA 5 ° Luxury ( 5 Golf Resorts)
    * Responsible for the overall sales management and strategic direction of the 5 Golf luxury Resorts
  • Pipa Ocean View - General Manager Hotel

    2005 - 2007 Pipa Ocean View ( Pipa RN, Brasil ) 5* Luxury Hotel Boutique 50 # and Suites
    * Responsible for the overall management and strategic direction of the hotel
  • SL Macena - General Manager

    2002 - 2005 * Responsible for the overall management and strategic direction of the hotel
  • Hotel Paraíso - General Manager

    2001 - 2002 * Responsible for the overall management and strategic direction of the hotel
  • Hotel Solar Atlantico Sul - General Manager

    1999 - 2000 Hotel Solar Atlântico Sul, ( Rio Grande do Norte ,
  • Oasis Atlantico Hotels - General Manager

    1998 - 1998 * Responsible for the overall management and strategic direction of the hotel
    General Manager Oasis Atlantico S.A, ( Cabo Verde ) C/4 hotels 4* 450 #
    * Responsible for the overall management and strategic direction of the hotel
  • Hotel Dom Fernando - General Manager

    1998 - 1998 * Responsible for the overall management and strategic direction of the hotel
  • Hotel Caramulo - General Manager Quality

    1997 - 1998 * Responsible for the overall management and strategic direction of the hotel
  • Aparthotel Orion Éden - Assistant General Manager

    1996 - 1996 * Assisting the GM for the overall management and strategic direction of the hotel
  • Aparthotel Orion - General Manager

    1995 - 1996 * Responsible for the overall management and strategic direction of the hotel and preparing the Lisbon Hotel ,
  • Le Grand Hotel Intercontinental - Assistant Manager & Night Manager

    1991 - 1994
  • My Company - Assistant Marketing

    1990 - 1991
  • Hotel Quinta do Lago - Assistant Front Office Manager

    1988 - 1989 Year 1988
    Night Auditor Hotel Quinta do Lago ( Algarve - Portugal ) 4* 200 #
  • Royal Viking Line - Head Waiter

    1987 - 1987
  • Residence Maxim´s - Head Waiter

    1986 - 1987 Residence Maxim´s ( Paris ) 4* luxury 80 # e Suites
  • Hotel Alvor - Reception & Concierge

    1982 - 1986 Reservations & Sales Dpt
    Cost Control
    Financial Dpt

    FAST TRACK ( Hotel Management )


  • EHTA Escola De Hotelaria E Turismo Do Algarve (Faro)

    Faro 2015 - 2016 Master Hotel Business Administration - MHBA

    Hotel Management ( Paris ) - Institut International de Gestion Maxim´s
    PostGraduation in Hotel Management (Faro) - Escola de Hotelaria e Tur. do Algarve EHTA
    (Master Hotel Business Administration - MHBA)


Annuaire des membres :