


En résumé

Mon poste actuel au cœur de l'écosystème de l‘Union Européenne constitue une solide expérience des négociations internationales auprès d'acteurs variés tels qu’États Membres, agences ou industriels sur des sujets sensibles comme le changement climatique, l'environnement ou la politique industrielle. C'est cette expérience que je vous propose à l'horizon 2019.

Mots-clés : Programmes spatiaux et environnementaux, Affaires Européennes, Union Européenne, Relations internationales, Politiques publiques, Changement climatique, Environnement, Stratégie.

-- Ouvert pour des offres de poste à partir de 2019 --

Mes compétences :
Speaking in public
Climate Change
European Policy
Public Affairs
Relations internationales
Program Management
Policy design and implementation
Politiques publiques


  • Commission Européenne - Policy Officer - Seconded National Expert

    Bruxelles 2013 - maintenant - Senior Expert,
    - EU Policy,
    - Copernicus programme,
    - Earth Monitoring, Climate Change related issues,
    - Copernicus Space Component,
    - Sentinel missions and associated ground segment,
    - Downstream sector and applications.
  • Centre National D'études Spatiales - Manager of the downstream applications of earth observation space missions

    Toulouse 2012 - 2013 Development of services:
    - Structuring the downstream information services in the national territories using Earth Observation data and GMES information.
    - Elaborating the data policy according to the thematic domains.
    - Enhancing the GMES information by the development of downstream services.
    - Coordinating for France the ESA Collaborative Ground Segment, part of the space component program of GMES (GSC): participation in GMES Operation Consultation Group (GOCG) of ESA as French representative, management of the interface between ESA and the public and private national entities, contribution of expertise to ESA for the deployment of the Sentinel ground segment.

    Chair of projects and/or clusters:
    - Managing the federating project « oceanography in the Midi-Pyrénées region » for local authorities: coordination of the industry cluster grouping all entities involved in research, space oceanography, institutional and private services.
    - Co-managing the theme related to services in Earth Observation in the French competitiveness cluster Aerospace Valley
  • Centre National D'études Spatiales - System manager Service Altimétrie et Localisation Précise (SALP)

    Toulouse 2009 - 2011 - Manager of ground segment components for space altimetry missions (Jason, Envisat, …) and external interfaces (NASA, NOAA, EUMETSAT, ESA, Chinese space agency, …).
    - Manager of global coherency of SALP and associated documentation.
    - Manager of SALP ground segment evolutions and Doris beacons network.
    - Providing expertise for integration of new missions HY-2A, Jason-3 et Sentinel 3.
  • Mercator Océan - Head of User’s Desk, Mercator-Ocean

    Ramonville-Saint-Agne 2002 - 2009 - Manager of services development and Mercator products dissemination (data policy, service level agreement, partnerships, links with research community).
    - Manager of external communication (Website, press, outreach, special events) and relationship with local authorities.
    - Manager for Mercator-Ocean of ESA projects Roses and Marcoast (manager of MetOcean Data workpackage), of 6th FP BOSS4GMES project (in charge of Ocean Fast Track Service), of the contribution to Nereus network.
    - Coordinator of the presentation for Ocean theme at 2008 GMES Forum in Lille.
  • Centre National D'études Spatiales - Engineer at Laboratoire d’Etudes en Géophysique et Océanographie Spatiales

    Toulouse 1999 - 2002 Development of a mathematical toolbox for research in oceanography and geodesy.
  • Cerfacs - Postdoctoral researcher

    1996 - 1998 Development of a parallel numerical software, HPCN European project Pineapl.



Annuaire des membres :