After majoring in Sociology and Anthropology , I undertook a study of social anthropology in a village of Alentejo (Southern Portugal)
During my stay in Portugal (1974-1984)
- I participated in a multidisciplinary research supervised by the CNRS related to the transformation of Portuguese agriculture
- I worked as a journalist for the Portuguese National Radio (RDP)
Back in France, I continued to work as a journalist for the food industry and agribusiness press (Points de Vente, Faire Savoir Faire, Filière Gourmande, Qualité Infos, Réussir Porcs…) and acquired a deep knowledge of the issues and challenges of the sector. In the meantime I participated to academic seminars at the EHESS on the Anthropology of European societies and developed a training activity with students related to their entrance into professional life and their job search.
The extensive background gained through my various press collaborations led me to market research in agriculture and media sectors
For my professional and personal training, I attended a University program on “Aging and Nutrition” at the Faculty of Medicine of Créteil (2005-06).
Mes compétences :
Communication - Marketing
Marketing studies
Pas de formation renseignée