We are renewable energy specialist but also can fund real estate(eco building,eco housing program..) airport,oil and gas,university,(pipe line,refinery..) and telecom
basically we can fund any projectsWe are very interested in all your renewable energy projects.
You will find enclosed a presentation of my company and technology and below our offer.
we need all the documents requested below in our offer before to make a decision.
we can sign a ncnda which will secure your comission.
Our investors are famous south korean companies and can easily funds 1GWof solar ......Don't hesitate to contact me if you need further details .
please advise.
FUNDING SOLUTION for solar and wind parks,WTE plants...We offer full funding and technology supply for solar farm and wind parks project conditional to supplying the equipment. Funding for solar and wind projects only. No upfront fee, no working capital the business model for solar farm is the following:
1. An official PPA (Power Purchase Agreement) sheet signed between the company of the project holder and the national company of electricity or a private off-taker.
2. We funds all the projects themselves (solar panels, inverters...) and in addition the Feasibility Study if the project is up to 50MWs or 100M$
1. Where is your project located?2. What is the Feed in Tariffs (FIT)? Minimum 30$/KWH 20 years for solar , 0,18$/KWh for wind 0,12$/KWh/20years for WTE and biomass3. What is the length of the PPA? Minimum 20 years4. The land lease , land agreement or title deed
5. Wind study at site (12 months data) for wind6. Any system upgrades of the grid and cost
7. tipping fee or waste receiving fee for WTE plant
8. executive summary
9. business projection
We can also fund Waste to Electricity (WTE), used tires to energy, wind offshore and HE dam, except the feasibility study.
Lucas yann
E-mail :
Mobile :(33) + 351 91 677 37 38
47 ans
Adresse Oliveira de Azeméis
Expérience professionnelle
actuellement :je propose des projets clés en main de green energy projects avec investisseur pour des ferme solaire, parc éoliens et usines waste to energy(déchêts contre éléctricité ou biofuel) et biomass
,également des programmes de logement sociaux ,usine à ciment,rafinerie pétrole,expansion de port ,réseaux routiers et electrique,...toujours avec investiseurs
sugar trader
specialist sucre,ethanol bresil thailande
avec un reseau etabli dans les produits sucre ,pétroliers,riz,charbon,bauxite....
2005-2008 responsable régional ouest pour l’Union Camerounaise des Brasseries (UCB) Basé à Bafoussam (Cameroun)
mise en place de 80 boutiques KFS (Kadgi food Service) alliant bière pression, boissons gazeuses et viennoiseries
supervision(ventes ,inventaires etc..) casiers, pressions sur six dépôts régionaux (effectifs global de 80 personnes)
mise en place d’une usine de dépotage, soutirage
création d’un service manifestation (pompe manuegestion administrative , financières de la région (salaires ,compte clients
gestion des fûts ,embauches..)
multiplication par quatre du CA avec des taux d’atteinte les meilleurs du Cameroun
2000-2005 responsable commercial pour :
Eclat Industries, Inc.
1604 Hanford Street
Levittown, PA 19057,U.S.A
Suivi de congrès nationaux
Suivi des devis et conclusion des ventes auprès des professionnels
Suivi de congrès nationaux (EASTEC....)
Mes compétences :
Import Export
Traitement de surface