

En résumé

Enthusiastic, passionate, persistent and punctual are the terms that describe me the best.

I'm always willing to take new opportunities in order to develop my personal abilities, solve problems, optimize work processes, assist people, learn new skills, bring another way of thinking, share my knowledge/experience and be a valued team player.

In France, after studying in the construction field until Engineer degree, I have worked in many positions in order to understand the different aspects of the job for later to be the most efficient possible in preparing a construction site, leading a team of workers, supervising the budget, organizing meetings with clients and take smart decisions. Those 6 years of experience taught me to have a structured coordination of work and react quickly to unexpected situations.

When moving in Poland 4 years ago, I found myself working in a financial environment where I learnt, training after training, the job of Data Analyst. Few months later, I was able to train new comers, solve complex issues and I succeeded in reaching the role of Senior Analyst.
I assisted the team leader in being responsible of 4 analysts, taking part of new development projects and ensuring customers satisfaction.

I'm currently ensuring the position of Account Manager (Sales Department) in NAVA company.

I'm fluently speaking French and English and learn Polish language.

I use the Excel and SQL functionalities on daily basis and was trained on VBA fundamentals.

Mes compétences :
Strong communication and creative problem solving
Permis de conduire B (Driving licence)
Microsoft Excel advanced
Abilities in preparing proper cost estimation
Team management skills
Adaptability for variable working conditions
Ability to manipulate and analyze raw information
Qualifications in supervising projects
Microsoft SQL Server
Skills in overseeing the team Works


  • NAVA - Area Sales Manager

    2019 - maintenant Responsible for analyzing the ship building market and expanding the company's partnerships across France/Western Europe.
  • Thomson Reuters - Senior Data Analyst - Estimates Team

    Paris 2016 - 2019 January 2016 - July 2017 : Data Analyst - Estimates Team

     Successfully collecting and interpreted estimates data received from financial institutions
     Optimize data collection procedures and generated reports on weekly and monthly basis
     Answering accurately to clients queries in a restrictive time.
     Providing trainings and mentoring newcomers
     Improving automation processes

    August 2017 - August 2019 : Senior Analyst

     Initiate and develop new projects
     Manage the planning and development of procedures for metric reports
     Proposed solutions to improve system efficiencies
     Reach the Sector Specialist position after technical trainings
    (Excel - level advanced, SQL, VBA, client relations).
  • Cise Tp - Construction manager / Project manager

    Issy-les-Moulineaux 2011 - 2015 Construction manager (2011-2013)

     Preparing and supervising the construction sites in accordance to the standards set forth
    in the project’s contract documents and specifications
     Oversee all onsite and offsite constructions to monitor compliance with building and safety
     Review the work progress on daily basis
     Review the project in-depth to schedule deliverables and estimate costs

    Project manager (2013-2015)

     Overseeing and directing construction projects from conception to completion
     Analyze company needs by defining the research that is needed to collect market
     Track costs and compare with schedule to identify potential problems
     Resolve field construction problems
     Preparing technical documentation
     Select tools, materials and equipment and track inventory
     Negotiate terms of agreements, draft contracts and obtain all required permits and

    - Chef de chantier (2011-2012) : Planification et suivi de plusieurs chantiers d'adduction d'eau potable, assainissement, bassin d'épuration.
    - Aide conducteur de travaux (2012-2013) : Gestion financière et management des équipes, réunions avec les clients publics/privés,
    - Préparateur de chantier (2013-2015) : Organisation amont des chantiers (demande de DICT/arrêté de circulation), acheteur matériel (négociation fournisseurs) pour la région Ouest/ sud-Ouest (10 départements).
  • Saur - Internship Trainee

    Maurepas 2011 - 2011 I was responsible for the accomplishment of the HOMER project concerning water quality in the Baltic Sea : taking samples for the laboratory specialists, participating in weekly meetings in English, creating marketing brochures and drawing up a final reports.

    Mise en place du projet HOMER pour une plage de la mer Baltique (application de la directive européenne 2006/7/CE sur la qualité des eaux de baignade) : documentation, prélèvement d'échantillons en mer pour analyse en laboratoire, réunions en anglais avec les collaborateurs, rédaction d'un mémoire et de la plaquette marketing du projet.
  • Cise Tp - Assistant Construction Manager

    Issy-les-Moulineaux 2010 - 2011 I was responsible for the financial management of one-year tramway line project in Tours, as well as for the team management of 4 teams.

    Ecole d'Ingénieur en alternance.
    - En responsabilité Aide conducteur de travaux : Gestion financière du groupement de 3 entreprises pour les travaux de dévoiement de réseaux pour la 1ère ligne de tramway à Tours.
    - En responsabilité Chef de chantier : gestion de 4 équipes sur le terrain, réunion de chantier avec les différents intervenants.
  • Epilepsy Foundation of Australia - Fundraising assistant

    2009 - 2010 Fundraising assistant of Foundation

     Presenting the Foundation’s offer to potential donors
     Applying for grants and other sources
     Creating a positive reputation of the Foundation,
     Maintaining and strengthening relations

    Séjour linguistique d'une année en Australie: divers postes dont Collecteur de Dons pour la Fondation pour la Recherche sur l'Epilepsie (porte-à-porte).
  • ALLEZ et Cie - Assistant Construction Manager

    2008 - 2009 Assistant Construction manager / Engineering consultant:

     Project accomplishment of Engineering and Design Department
     Prepare internal and external reports pertaining to job status
     Prepare budget estimates
     Coordinating the preliminary meetings

    Licence Professionnelle en Alternance.
    - En responsabilité Chef de chantier : gestion d’une équipe jusqu’à 5 personnes.
    - En responsabilité Aide conducteur de travaux : réalisation de projet au BE : planning, réunion avec les différents corps de métier, gestion budget.
    - En Bureau d’étude : diriger une affaire (création de plans).



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