Enthusiastic, passionate, persistent and punctual are the terms that describe me the best.
I'm always willing to take new opportunities in order to develop my personal abilities, solve problems, optimize work processes, assist people, learn new skills, bring another way of thinking, share my knowledge/experience and be a valued team player.
In France, after studying in the construction field until Engineer degree, I have worked in many positions in order to understand the different aspects of the job for later to be the most efficient possible in preparing a construction site, leading a team of workers, supervising the budget, organizing meetings with clients and take smart decisions. Those 6 years of experience taught me to have a structured coordination of work and react quickly to unexpected situations.
When moving in Poland 4 years ago, I found myself working in a financial environment where I learnt, training after training, the job of Data Analyst. Few months later, I was able to train new comers, solve complex issues and I succeeded in reaching the role of Senior Analyst.
I assisted the team leader in being responsible of 4 analysts, taking part of new development projects and ensuring customers satisfaction.
I'm currently ensuring the position of Account Manager (Sales Department) in NAVA company.
I'm fluently speaking French and English and learn Polish language.
I use the Excel and SQL functionalities on daily basis and was trained on VBA fundamentals.
Mes compétences :
Strong communication and creative problem solving
Permis de conduire B (Driving licence)
Microsoft Excel advanced
Abilities in preparing proper cost estimation
Team management skills
Adaptability for variable working conditions
Ability to manipulate and analyze raw information
Qualifications in supervising projects
Microsoft SQL Server
Skills in overseeing the team Works
Pas de contact professionnel