


En résumé

Avec plus de vingt ans d'expériences dans les NTIC et le multimédia, J'ai été un précurseur dans le développement de logiciels de jeux en ligne massivement multi-joueurs et de la commercialisation en ligne par abonnement. En ayant créé et dirigé la société Vibes en France en 1996, avec un très fort développement international, j'ai créé des filiales en Inde aux USA, pour enfin transférer la société à notre distributeur chinois et participer à la mise en place de l’équipe de développement sur place. J'ai aussi créé et dirigé la première société de développement de jeux vidéo "Next Gen" à Singapour, avec des investisseurs privés chinois.
J'ai toujours recruté des talents au niveau international afin de rassembler les meilleures compétences, sur le plan technique, financier, commercial et marketing.
A la création du groupe Exec Avenue, la priorité est orientée vers le développement international pour les start-up et les marchés des technologies.

Mes compétences :
Consultant en recrutement
Jeux vidéo


  • LexisNexis - Responsable Recrutement

    PARIS 2014 - maintenant LexisNexis® is a leading global provider of content-enabled workflow solutions to professionals in law firms, corporations, government, law enforcement, tax, accounting, academic institutions and risk and compliance assessment.

    LexisNexis France is about being a part of something bigger. It’s about our passion to inspire a better tomorrow for our country. We are empowering the continent by pushing boundaries to new levels through innovation, collaboration, technology and content to advance the rule of law.

    We are evolving the way professionals access information and gain insights to make better decisions though our next-generation products and solutions. As a result, we help lawyers win cases, corporations detect fraud and academic institutions shape the future.
    Our ability to genuinely make a difference to the lives of people across our country keeps us committed and connected to the bigger purpose. Driven by truly ethical and intelligent people, we are putting the power of knowledge in the right hands to advance the rule of law and change society for the better.

    Our offers :

  • NP Group - Senior Recruitment Manager

    2014 - maintenant How we work?

    We seek to understand our client's resourcing challenges by engaging our "on demand" resourcing team that establish a programme of activity around a client's short term resourcing needs. This enables our onsite team to gain credibility by providing a world class talent acquisition service as well as understanding our client's processes, its culture, employee value proposition and strategic resource plans. We can then develop the right blended model for our clients, supported via our offshore centres in Vietnam and Singapore, seamlessly linked to onsite European delivery teams. We use a range of authentic processes, such as "lean" and "six-sigma", which assist in designing and streamlining all processes. This helps us to put the candidate and client experience at the centre of our service.
    Our mission is to re-invent outsourcing in the recruitment sector with a "follow the sun" model that places the right people in the right place at the right cost. We offer our clients the ability to benefit from our low cost centres for recruitment & HR administration, talent attraction delivery & support.

    What differentiates us?

    NP is the first RPO provider to blend on and offshore resources within our service offering. We're driven by delivering the right service for our clients, achieving maximum cost saving. This could involve NP managing the recruitment back office, on boarding or general HR administration. We are experienced at partnering with other RPO providers, agencies and existing in house teams that share our passion for continuous improvement and world class service delivery.
  • Exec Avenue - Conseillé RH et recrutement

    Paris 2007 - maintenant Recrutement de Cadres Dirigeants
    Renforcement de Conseils d'Administration de Start-up et PME.

  • Mercier & Partners - Responsable recrutements

    2006 - maintenant Notre valeur ajoutée se mesure uniquement par celle que nos candidats ont su apporter à nos clients

    Cette performance est démontrée par nos candidats qui ont apporté à nos clients, depuis parfois plus de dix ans, un développement du chiffre d’affaires, du profit et de la valeur pour les actionnaires.

    Les recrutements concernent des situations diverses auxquelles ont à faire face les entreprises au cours de leur vie :
    * Amélioration des performances : accélération de la croissance, augmentation des
    * Développement d’une nouvelle région du monde
    * Internationalisation de Conseil d’Administration avec apport de compétences spécifiques
    * Développement d’une entreprise par son introduction en bourse
  • Ksatria Gameworks - General Manager - co-founder

    2004 - 2006 Ksatria Gameworks is a self-founded studio based in Singapore since 2005. We are developing current and next generation games for PC using our in-house technology. With a dedicated and experienced team, we focus our production on porting successful IP into digital interactive media format.

  • Vibes - CEO

    1996 - 2002 Paris - France
    Co-funded with Frank De Luca and Alexandre Ledent
    With subsidiaries in USA (DE), India (Bangalore)
    Raised funds with SGAM and Business Angels in 1999
    Relocated to Hong Kong : O2 Online Entertainment
    Product : Mankind
    Web Site : www.mankind.net

    "Unlike most MMOGs, Mankind boasts a truly persistent universe. Things keep going even when you're offline. So, your forces keep doing what you've instructed them to do - guard a base, patrol a sector of space, or continue to mine resources to fuel your empire."
    - GameSpy
  • Midi Minuit, Gédéon, etc. - Post-Production Assistant, Production Executive

    1992 - 1996 Various positions in production teams for music videos.
    I was Michel Gondry post-production assistant for one year.
    He pioneered the "bullet time" techniques used in The Matrix.
    Worked with Björk, Daft Punk, The White Stripes, IAM.


Annuaire des membres :