


En résumé

- Junior Marketing Analyst seeking job opportunity in chemical/pharmaceutical industry from Jan. 2017.

- Curiosity, great adaptability, autonomy, I have double competences in chemical engineering & marketing. The polyvalent skills enrich not only my professional experience, but also my business analysis capability.

- As I am a Chinese, speak English and French as well, in the future, I would like to work for an international group and to be a《bridge》between multi-culture and background staffs and sectors.

- I am passionate about the innovative materials and services because they serve our daily life and they change our world!

Mes compétences :
Microsoft Word
Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft Excel
Adobe Photoshop


  • Solvay - Marketing

    Paris 2016 - 2016 Working for automotive segment in Performance Polyamide GBU

    Major tasks include:

    Marketing research:

    - for engineering plastic applications in automobile, by using cross platform databases

    - for conductive polymer

    - for the trend of material usage of principle OEMs by region (EMEA, ASIA, NAM, SAM)

    Sales Reporting & Analysis:

    Involved in innovational marketing pull & big data projects
  • Buhler - Marketing consultant

    2015 - 2016 6 months group International Market Research for Bûhler extrusion process in EM Lyon Business School:

    - Estimate the market size and prospective growth in the different countries.
    - Classify the big players/customer portfolio.
    - Identify the actual/potential applications and raw materials of Bûhler extrusion process applied in Food Industry.
    - Work with a multi-cultural background team and develop further my interpersonal skills


  • EMLyon Business School

    Ecully 2015 - 2016 M.S. Stratégie Internationale et Marketing BtoB

    Lyon 2015 - 2016
  • Ecole Supérieure De Chimie Physique Electronique De Lyon (Lyon)

    Lyon 2010 - 2014 Ingénieur en Chimie-Génie des procédés
  • Sichuan University (Chengdu)

    Chengdu 2006 - 2010 Bac +4 Ingénieur en génie pharmaceutique


Annuaire des membres :