Mes compétences :
Développement web
Machine Learning
- Research Engineer (Internship)
Paris2011 - 2011• Led widget development “Daily Photo” (automatically fetch and display daily photo
from wikimedia) with Orange Widget Toolkit on multi-platform and devices
• Accomplished project through entire development life cycle including user requirement specification, conception, sketch design, simulation, implementation and validation
• Deployed product on multi-platform (desktop : PC, Mac, mobile : Android, iOS) and
devices (phone, tablet)
• Analysed cross-platform mobile development and deployment frameworks available
on market
• Proposed comprehensive improvement recommendation for OWT (mobile development and deployment framework) involving design, implementation and validation phases
- Developer (Internship)
2010 - 2011• Developed “Interactive Annotation Video Player” enabling management of user-created annotations over video play
• Compiled project specification, defined database and reusable library API, and designed product architecture and interface including front-end RIA, back-end PHP server
• Implemented annotation application in MVC framework facilitating further extension and maintenance
• Collaborated and iterated project development with external client team
• Revamped and documented an online service (PHP) with online/offline diagnostic
IBM Global Services
- Engineer (Internship)
Bois-Colombes Cedex 2008 - 2008(Shanghai, China)
• Collaborated in on-site installation
• Redesigned and developed department internal website
Alcatel Lucent
- Assistant (Internship)
Paris2008 - 2008(Shanghai, China)
• Executed telecommunication market research and competition analysis, and authored biweekly market report
Paris2012 - 2016Innovation and Entrepreneurship training
• Competence courses (2 weeks) : business plan, pitch skills, entrepreneurial finance and management, product and service development, team building
• Summer school (1 week) : business simulation game and leadership
• Business modelling (30 weeks) : team-based project with industrial advisors
− Engaged in complete process of developing business plan and pitch talk
• Discovered the negative interplay among popular protocols in access network, raised
community awareness by proving the generality and causality via diverse methodologies
• Visiting : Shanghai JiaoTong University, Laboratory on Security and Trust
• Teaching: Teaching Assistant 32 days each year
• Volunteer: ACM MobiCom 2015
• Scholarship : Chinese Government Scholarship
• Coursework : Internet application architecture, Parallelism architecture and communication, Network security, Model and verification, Programming paradigm; Innovation and development, Introduction to economy and management
• Projects : One Time Password Survey and Simulation, Diagnostic of the Management Control System for BnF