2004 - 2008Research topic: “ Theoretical Design and Computational Analysis of Solvation Effects of Carbon Bowls-Alkylated and Annelated Corannulenes ”
Advisor: Prof. Kim Baldridge
Organic Chemistry Institute - University of Zurich, Switzerland
Teaching assistant in Organic Chemistry (first year medicine
San Diego Supercomputer Center
- Analyst/Programmer in Bioinformatics
2003 - 2003Development of a web application for a Federated Database
J2EE Technology (JSP pages, EJB, Jboss), Federated Databases (DB2, Discovery Link), XML, Web services (SOAP)
- Analyst/Programmer in bioinformatics
2002 - 2002Development of software for automatic genes annotation
Java, XML, XSL, Genomic Databases, Biochips
Nîmes, France
- Biology intern
PARIS 132001 - 2001Study of the molecular mechanism responsible for the genetic variability of stress response
“ Neurogenetic and stress ” Laboratory of INSERM (National Institute of Health and medical Research), François Magendie Institute of Neurosciences, Bordeaux, France