Presently ahighly skilled die corrector for aluminium extrusion dies. With a sound knowledge of tooling design concepts and optimisation of production processes in order to maximise tool performance. Equally competent as a team player with high levels of cooperation and shared learning
Technician specialised in the correction of aluminium extrusion dies (tooling) on 2x 7" presslines(1650and 1800UST).
• Experienced in tooling fabrication and advising on tooling concept and design.
• Working to reduce levels of trials required before series production. Department KPI average die
trials reduced from 2.7 (Sep 2015) to 0.75 (Jan 2016).
• Evaluation and assessment of the running of new and existing dies and following correction procedures and advising on production parameters to maximise performance and die life.
• Targeted to increase the order completion rates on running dies leading to improvement from 29% (Aug 2015) to 66% (Jan 2016) over two presslines.
• Working closely with die suppliers to improve production performance.
• Advising on the optimum parameters for productivity such as which press, number of cavities, type of die (zero bearing, conventional, porthole layout) etc.
• Support and train other correctors in efficient work practices, replacing old working methods, while learning from experienced members ofthe team .
• Working closely with Die Shop Manager and Planning Supervisor to assure the best availability ofdies and customerservice.
• Personally registered and documented all support tooling - bolsters and insert bolsters for bettercontrol
Ÿ Die correctorin extrusion plant with 2000and 2800tons presses.
Ÿ Training indie correction and tooling design.
Ÿ Application ofacademic learning to basic fabrication.
Ÿ Completeeducation in diecorrection and aluminium extrusion processes inhighly renownedcompany
Pas de formation renseignée