


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Social media


  • HelloAnnecy (Freelancer) - Creator, Editor, Product manager

    2015 - maintenant HelloAnnecy is a local touristic service and promotional platform based on the widely-used Chinese mobile application Wechat. The platform is designed to provide travel advice and recommendations of restaurants, concept stores, outdoor sports agencies, etc. Our products include Annecy travel map, Annecy City Pass, Historical DIY tour and treasure hunt.

    HelloAnnecy is designed to meet all kinds of needs for next-generation Chinese tourists. Travel agencies and package tours are falling into disuse as young customers desire a deeper understanding of their travel destinations and make their own travel arrangements independently. Thus, we built up the platform in order to provide useful information in the users’ own language and offer them an exceptional experience.

    As the creator of HelloAnnecy, my responsibilities included content creation and translation, trip logistics planning, itinerary design, interviews and negotiation with merchants, customer service, and digital marketing.

    Annecy travel map: The map provides tourist info in a young and active way, combining recommendations from locals with top ranking attractions on tripadvisor. The map adjusts to offer a thematic experience according to the context. (for example, advice to go out is offered if you travel as a family or as a couple.)

    Annecy City Pass: This is the companion to the Annecy travel map. With the city pass, users can get an extra discount or a special treat during their purchase process.

    Historical DIY tour and treasure hunt: This is a fun way for travelers to visit the city and get to know its history. It can also meet the social needs of individual travelers via the "dual" mode, in which two travelers who are strangers work together to solve the enigma.
  • The MarkeTech Group - Assistante chef de projet - stagiaire

    2014 - 2014 The MarkeTech Group (TMTG) est un cabinet d’études de marché international exclusivement focalisé sur l’industrie de la santé. TMTG utilise des méthodologies d’études qualitatives et quantitatives pour collecter des données primaires du type « Voice of Customers » (VOC).

    The MarkeTech Group possède une expertise reconnue dans plusieurs marchés spécifiques à l’industrie médicale : imagerie médicale, produits pharmaceutiques, biotechnologie, dispositifs médicaux et de diagnostic, TIC santé.

    Mes missions sont d’accompagner les consultants dans la collecte des données primaires et secondaires pour la réalisation d’études marketing. Ceci comprend en particulier :

    · Identification, prise de contact et recrutement de répondants,

    · Prise de notes et rédaction des résumés d’entretiens,

    · Recherche de données secondaires,

    · Aide à la rédaction des rapports d’études.

    Les entretiens approfondis sont réalisés auprès d’une large variété de répondants incluant des leaders d’opinion (KOLs), des industriels de la santé (CEO, CSO, responsable R&D de PME ou d’entreprises majeures en Imagerie Médicale, MedTech, Pharma, Biotech…), professionnels de santé (Médecins généralistes, radiologues, médecins nucléaires, neurologues, chirurgiens cardiaques, infirmiers, pharmaciens…), patients…



Annuaire des membres :