Senior Manager with over 20 years of substantial experience in managing various IT projects and leading IT organization in line with business vision and expectations.
Oversee all IT functions including implementation of IS/IT strategic Plan, data center management, vendor relationships, technical support, ERP implementations and application development, sales and inventory monitoring. Manage operating budget and direct activities of IT staff members.
Mes compétences :
IT Business Management
Conception et Déploiement des SI
Gestion de projets SI/TI
Refonte et optimisation des SI
Implémentation de progiciels ERP
Gouvernance IT
Stratégie, Schéma directeur, Organisation SI
Processus métiers (Production, Négoce, Etc)
Audit des SI
Change Management & leadership
IT Outsourcing Services, Data Centers Mgment
Team management
ERP (JDEdwards, SAGE X3, Navision)
Pas de formation renseignée