
Abdellaoui CHOKRI


En résumé

Engineer in geology and environmental, master in hydraulic


  • INSAT - Student research

    Tunis maintenant -Contractor student research in laboratory in INSAT (3 months: August-September-October 2007) in hydraulic and environmental.
  • Mudlogging unit - Data engineer

    2007 - 2011 -Responsible for monitoring and recording all drilling parameters in order to optimize the drilling process and prevent troubles.
    -Supervise mud loggers and control all activities in Logging unit.
    -Rig up and Rig down of the unit.
    -Lithological descriptions and hydrocarbon identification on cuttings.
    -Preparation of daily drilling and geological reports, final well reports, several plots and logs.
    -Describe cutting sample, Side wall cores and conventional cores. Assist the senior well site Geologist with sample description and sample tests.
    -Prepare and making thin section, describe and interpretation of thin section.
    -Perform geological analysis of drill cuttings drawing up a lithological log using ILSA’s Geoplot and wellwizard (DATALOG) software. Compile and manage a Microsoft Access database relating drilling parameters to geological results. Perform lithological interpretation on the basis of hydrocarbon, drilling and sample results. Maintain and calibrate all mud logging sensors. Active participation in ILO end of well reports compiling the Geological summary for each formation drilled, providing detailed daily breakdowns of drilling activities and recording gas and Oil show data. Hydrocarbon analysis using Fluoroscope to determine oil shows. Compile detailed manifests for all samples collected and inventories of sampling materials.
  • Mudlogging unit - Data engineer

    2007 - 2011 -Responsible for monitoring and recording all drilling parameters in order to optimize the drilling process and prevent troubles.
    -Supervise mud loggers and control all activities in Logging unit.
    -Rig up and Rig down of the unit.
    -Lithological descriptions and hydrocarbon identification on cuttings.
    -Preparation of daily drilling and geological reports, final well reports, several plots and logs.
    -Describe cutting sample, Side wall cores and conventional cores. Assist the senior well site Geologist with sample description and sample tests.
    -Prepare and making thin section, describe and interpretation of thin section.
    -Perform geological analysis of drill cuttings drawing up a lithological log using ILSA’s Geoplot and wellwizard (DATALOG) software. Compile and manage a Microsoft Access database relating drilling parameters to geological results. Perform lithological interpretation on the basis of hydrocarbon, drilling and sample results. Maintain and calibrate all mud logging sensors. Active participation in ILO end of well reports compiling the Geological summary for each formation drilled, providing detailed daily breakdowns of drilling activities and recording gas and Oil show data. Hydrocarbon analysis using Fluoroscope to determine oil shows. Compile detailed manifests for all samples collected and inventories of sampling materials.


Pas de formation renseignée


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