Mr Abdou Khadire DIOP is an expert in indivudual and community based project management, specialist in leadership capacity building and self development. He is currently the Chief Executive Director of MediAction an international consultancy Bureau, befor that he was Programme Manager with Enda Graf and Research and Development coordinator with Centre TRAINMAR de Dakar. He worked during 8 years as a Training Coordinator with LEAD FA, an international programmes training mid-career young African execituves in the field of Leadership and sustainable development. While working with LEAD FA, he encouraged the establishment of more than twenty national lead associations. Before working with LEAD, Mr Diop was a consultant and expert associated with the Trainmar Centre in Dakar where he was responsible for program designing and evaluation as well as workshop and seminar facilitation. Mr Diop has also worked as Key Professional Trainer with a number of institutions among which are : COFEB , the West African Bank Institution, CREA , the Applied Economy Research Centre of Cheikh Anta Diop University and CAFIP an African Centre for Industrial and Vocational Training.Sup de Co Dakar. Mr Diop has got a Diploma in Linguistics Applied to the Teaching of English as a Foreign Language from the University of Kent (GB) and a specialist Certificate in Macro-economy applied to African Industrial Development. His key interests are in Adult Learning Methodologies and grassroots’ and community centred development activities
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