
Abraham MBOYO


En résumé

Welcome to my profile.

Currently, I am a Research Analyst at AEW Europe in Paris. My core responsibilities are:
- Analysis of investment opportunities (NPV, IRR, WACC, Credit Worthiness, Financial Analysis)
- Real Estate Market Analysis for AEW Europe funds
- Improvement of econometrical in-house models
- Analysis macro-economical and financial data
- Writing/Editing of different documents (Research Notes, Funds Reporting, etc.)

AEW Europe is one of the leading Pan-European Investment Managers with an AuM standing at €18,2 billion as of end September 2014 across Europe. It is also the Real Estate branch of Natixis Global Asset Management (€708 Billion of AuM as of end September 2014 worldwide).

I am working on receiving my Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) qualification. I am a CFA level 2 candidate. The level 2 of the CFA program focuses on valuation of equity, fixed income and derivatives.

I am also candidate for the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) qualification in Real Estate Investment and Financing.

I have a Master’s degree in Commercial Real Estate Investment from Paris Sorbonne University, entitled DESUP Immobilier d’entreprise which is an RICS’s accredited course.

Previously I worked as a Real Estate Asset and Property Manager at EDF Group in Paris Region.

I have a keen interest in capital markets, real estate and financial mathematics, particularly in the process of diversification, optimal allocation, stochastic process and risk hedging.

Mes compétences :
Asset management
Gestion d'actifs
Real estate
Gestion de patrimoine


  • AEW Europe - Research Analyst

    2012 - maintenant In the Department of Research and Strategy at AEW EUROPE, as a Research Analyst, my responsibilities are as follows:

    - Improve the econometric models implemented in-house for forecasting trends in Estimated Rental Values (ERV);
    - Global Quantitative Analysis of Core Real Estate Markets (EMEA, US, Canada, APAC) for strategic optimal asset allocation (diversification process and portfolio optimization) according prospect/investor Investment Policy Statement (IPS), objectives and constraints;
    - Analyze and follow Real Estate Markets (office, retail, logistics and residential) across Europe;
    - Actively contribute to the MAPS (Market Analysis Property by Sector) project developed by Ken Baccam for AEW Europe;
    - Conduct a market watch of the pan-European Commercial Real Estate Debt (debt funds);
    - Write research notes for all real estate markets;
    - Analyze prospective investment opportunities with different scenarios;
    - Analyze the acquisition opportunities in terms of financial modeling (cash flow, IRR, NPV, payback period), risk pricing (administrative, legal, Real Estate markets backgrounds) and Income revenue security (tenant financial strength, creditworthiness and WAULT);
    - Participate in investment committees;
    - Research, collect and process statistic, financial and economic information from different providers namely DATASTREAM, Oxford Economics and INSEE (French National Institute of Statistics);
    - Participate in the different publications, namely Weekly, Quarterly and in-house papers;
  • Groupe EDF - Junior Real Estate Asset and Property Manager

    2012 - 2012 At EDF Group Real Estate Direction my main responsibilities were:

    1 Optimization of occupation: Development of occupation strategic plans, financial modeling in order to reduce cost by employee and identify assets to be sold

    2. Participation in lease negotiations and relationship with various real estate brokers and owners or their representative mainly JLL, CBRE, BNP Paribas Real Estate, DTZ, Strategies & Corp, GE Real Estate, Insurances companies, Investment Manager Firms and Banks.

    3. Operational Property management
  • Mathematics Institute of Toulouse - Quantitative Modeling Intern

    2011 - 2011 Subject: First approach of financial mathematics modeling. Introduction to the stochastic calculus applied to finance.

    Responsible: Professor Laure COUTIN

    I. Theories:

    1 - Study of models of a discrete financial market modeled by a finished probabilized space with a filtration

    * Financial assets
    * Strategies
    * Eligibility and arbitrage
    * Martingales and arbitrage
    * Viability of a financial market
    * Completeness of a financial market
    * First approach of options: American and European

    2 Studies of the optimal stopping time and options

    * Optimal stopping time
    * Studies of American options
    * Studies of European options

    II. Modeling:

    Modeling and simulation of:
    - COX, ROSS and RUBINSTEIN model with Matlab
    - American and European options with Matlab
  • Listen - Teleoperator in tax exemption

    2011 - 2011 Convince prospects to take appointments with an expert advisor in order to reduce taxes, set up retirement and savings plans.
  • ACADOMIA - Mathematics tutoring

    Paris 2010 - 2011 My responsibilities were:
    1. Realization of personalized assessment
    3. Set up a working plan in 4 or 5 evolving checking steps
    3. Advice on university orientation and careers


  • Université Paris 1 Pantheon Sorbonne


    Economie, Gestion et Management en Immobilier d'entreprise - Formation de haut niveau spécialisée en Immobilier d'entreprise.
    Principaux cours :
    - Real Estate Asset Management,
    - Expertise Immobilière,
    - Financements Immobiliers et choix d'investissement,
    - Techniques financières,
    - Fiscalité Immobilière,
    - Droit de l'urbanisme,
    - Droit de la construction,
    - Droit des baux et baux commerci

    Serris 2011 - 2012 Master 1 Management, Ingénierie des Services et Patrimoines Immobiliers

    Principaux cours: Anglais-TOEIC, Gest° actifs Immo,Ingé fine, Choix invest/fine, Maths fine appli, Mgt et Strat org,Pilotage perf,Promo et commer immo,Risk et assur,Mgt et conduite de proj, Mgt qualité et Team Mgt.

  • Université Toulouse 3 Paul Sabatier

    Tarbes 2010 - 2011 Master 1 Ingénierie Mathématique

    principaux cours : Optimisation, Probabilités(Monté-Carlo par chaînes de Markov et Martingales) et Équations aux dérivées partielles.
  • Université Toulouse 2 Le Mirail

    Toulouse 2006 - 2010 Licence Mathématiques, Informatique Appliquées, et Sciences Humaines et Sociales

    Mathématiques, Informatiques, Comptabilité et Gestion,Probabilités,
    Allemand, Anglais, Statistiques inférentielles, Mathématiques-Statistiques, Droit Marketing, Recherche opérationnelle (théorie des graphes) et Communication.


Annuaire des membres :