
Achille YARABE


En résumé

Supply Chain management professionnel.
Operations Management Skills.
Team worker and hardworker.

Mes compétences :
Supply Chain management
Logistics and transport
Customer Services
International commerce operations
Humanitarian projects management
Import/export operations
Safety,Health and Environmental opeations
Demand & Supply Planning
SAP Production Planning
Business planning
Distribution Centres
sustainable development
monitoring of production capacity and gap analysis
account management
Production planning
Microsoft Word
Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft Excel
Material Requirements Planning
Credit Management


  • Nestlé Cote d'Ivoire - Demand & Supply Planning Manager

    2014 - maintenant Production planning ( Demand Requirement planning) for 2 factories at Nestlé CI ( Plant
    of culinary bouillons MAGGI at Yopougon with capacity of 40 000T/year and Soluble
    Coffee under Nescafé category 10 000T/year).

    -Material requirement planning (MRP) for more than 60 raw and packaging materials.

    -Distribution requirement planning and orders follow up of 25 Nestlé affiliates countries
    and 3rd parties.

    -Follow up of import orders for local market.

    -In charge of Master production planning of 2 factories, monitoring of production capacity
    and gap analysis for corrective actions to close gaps.
  • Nestlé Cote d'Ivoire - Customer Service & Distribution Manager

    2010 - maintenant Gestion de la clientele export et local, suivi equipes en charge de la facturation, gestion du service apres vente, gestion des reclamations, gestion des entrepots, de la distribution, des livraisons, de la securite du personnel et des equipements, Sante , securite et environnement, suivi des certifications ISO et OSHAS
  • Nestlé Cote d'Ivoire - Customer Service and Distribution Manager

    2010 - 2014 In charge of Customer Service export and local of 60 customers affiliates and 3rd parties

    -In charge of Billing, deliveries, logistics, distribution, warehousing and claims, after sales

    -In charge of 3 main export and local warehouses, distribution Centres of more than
    10 000SQM

    -In charge of customers account management and credit management

    -Follow up audit certification ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 of the warehouses and
    distribution Centres (Safety Health and Environment).

    -Team member of Lean Implementation with participation to Value Stream and
    Engineering Design to enable cost killing through the value chain

    *Local Customer Service Manager in charge of a team of 8 People

    -Follow up of local customers (30 local customers based in Côte d'Ivoire)

    -Follow up deliveries, billing, orders status, claims and after sales service, interface
    between sales and Customers
  • Nestlé Cote d'Ivoire - Export Manager

    2005 - 2007 In charge of export shipments, deliveries, logistics

    -In charge of export customs formalities, administrative export procedures

    -In charge of relation with shipping lines, road transporters, freight forwarders, brokers,
    Inspection companies like Bureau Veritas, SGS and Cotecna.
  • Nestlé Cote d'Ivoire - Customer Service Officer

    2002 - 2005 In charge of billing, shipments follow up, temporary admission and customers
  • Nestlé Cote d'Ivoirec - Import/Export Officer

    1997 - 2002 In charge of Customs formalities, billing, temporary admission

    French: Fluent


Pas de formation renseignée


Annuaire des membres :