


En résumé

- Management de petites équipes multiculturelles

Gestion de projets
- Pilotage de projets stratégiques ; Animation du comité de pilotage ; Collaboration à un niveau hiérarchique élevé ; Gestion des plannings, des couts, des risques, des ressources, des livrables ; Conduite du changement ; Coordination entre les différents acteurs.

- KPIs ; Reporting ; Analyse de données ; Segmentation; Classification ; Profiling ; Typologie ; Scoring; Regression ; Modèles de prévision ; Enquête ; Mesure de ROI.

Anglais courant ; Espagnol niveau baccalauréat ; Danois notions.

Mes compétences :
Analyse qualitative
Coordination de projet
Customer Insight
Gestion de projet
Microsoft Business Intelligence
Microsoft CRM
Microsoft Project
Microsoft Project Management
Project management & coordination


  • Banque de France - Statistician - Paris, France

    Paris 2011 - maintenant "Surveys on the international operations of the companies" department.

    Methodology of the surveys
    - Sampling
    - Non response correction
    - Extrapolation

    Survey on:
    - the direct investments made by the French companies abroad
    - the import/export of goods
    - the import/export of services

    Surveys are made in order to fill the corresponding line in the balance of payment of France.
  • Médecins du Monde (MDM)/Doctor of the world - Survey Advisor - Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan

    2010 - 2010 Survey on access to health-care for mother and child in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province.

    Project management and co-ordination
    - Assessment of the needs in order to build the project plan.
    - Supervision of a team of 6 enumerators.
    - Follow up on the budget, commitment on deadline, report to the headquarters.

    Data Analysis and Statistics
    - Build of the questionnaires, the methodology and the indicators to be measured.
    - Creation of the appropriate reports and comparison of the results with published data and the Millennium Development Goals.

    Liaison & Representation
    - Collaboration with the health cluster members, led by Word Health Organization.
    - Development of a network with the authorities and international and local NGOs.
    - Advocacy for the potential actors to implement MDM's recommendations.
    - Article on the access to health-care in Pakistan in Humanitaire magazine (April 2011 issue)
  • Novozymes - Business Intelligence Professional - Copenhagen, Denmark

    LE PECQ 2007 - 2009 « Business Services and Support » department.

    Line of Business Project Manager for the « Corporate Performance Management » Project
    - Implementation of a Performance Management solution (KPIs, dashboards).
    - Internal clients: Business Units management teams (environment, sales, etc.).
    - Budget : 2.5 millions euros.
    - Scrum methodology.
    - Management of a multi-cultural and multi-professional team of 10 people.

    « Sales & Operational Planning »
    - Process optimization and analysis of the data flow in order to align the sales budget to the demand plan.
    - Internal client: Sales and Supply Chain management teams

    Other projects
    - Resource allocation optimization; Customer satisfaction survey; Sales forecast modeling; Implementation of a new pricing strategy.
  • Probance Asia - Regional Consulting Manager for Asia - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

    2005 - 2007 Opening of the regional office.

    - 1 junior consultant in data-mining and 1 sales person.
    - Management of the regional office, reporting to the managing director in France.

    - Recommendation to the clients on their CRM and marketing strategy.
    - Consulting in statistics, data-mining, CRM and quantitative marketing.
    - Definition of the methodology and implementation of the statistical analysis.
    - Measure and follow up of the ROI and presentation of the result to the customers.

    Example Malaysian Telecommunication Company; 3.5 millions of customers
    - Subject: Retention of the customers about to leave to the competitors.
    - Methodology: Churn model (regression model) in order to identify the future churners and offer them an attractive package.
    - Results: Reduction of the number of churners of 30% within 3 months with an investment reduced by 20%.

    - Microsoft ; Mobile One (Telecom Singapore); HSBC Asia Pacific.
  • Profil One - Consultant in Statistics and Data-mining - Paris, France

    LYON 2003 - 2005 Missions
    - Cleaning of the databases, validation of the data quality, data treatment.
    - Creating and monitoring reports and performing statistical analysis.

    Example French Charity Organization ; 300 000 active donors
    - Subject: Acquisition of new “direct debit” donors.
    - Methodology: Scoring model to identify the main drivers of the donation by direct debit. Selection of 10 000 donors the most likely to accept the direct debit.
    - Result: Reduction of 80% of the number of mailing with a return rate 4.5 times higher.

    - Reporters without Borders, The Red Cross, UNICEF, Les Brasseries Flo (Restaurant), Carrefour Finance, Mercedes Benz, La Poste.
  • Eurostar - Intern in Revenue Management Department - London, UK

    londres 2001 - 2002 Research to improve the current models used to forecast the additional demand for each train until departure.
    Follow up on the tender to select the best company to embed the forecast models into a software.


  • Ecole Nationale De La Statistique Et De L'Analyse De L'Information (Tunis)

    Tunis 1999 - 2003 Statistics


Annuaire des membres :