


En résumé

20 solid years in complex international sales development strategies
Successful in driving new ideas to concrete business opportunities
Good expertise to provide new solutions for underperforming assets for industry, retail and media
Experienced in closing contract with top executive corporate client
Building and identifying new international markets for our clients strategic assets
Effective in generating new deals on long-term business relationships
Member of the management executive board

Mes compétences :
Analyse stratégique
Ecoute client
Réactivité détermination
Initiative et autonomie


  • Active International - Sales & Remarketing Manager

    2012 - maintenant I’m leading our sales and remarketing team to conduct market research on every field affected by a bearish economic situation. Getting accurate information before the competition is key.
    Our team identifies potential global prospects faced with underperforming assets; we adopt creatives solutions to reach maximum financial valuations.
    Closing sales varies by client's needs and timing and hence we adapt our negotiation to match strategic & fiscal deadlines.
    Our sales department's overwhelming success takes root in my unshakable enthusiasm and adaptation skills, leading to excellent sales tactics throughout different cultural and economic environments (Luxury, industrial goods, retail, commodities, energy).

    Majors achievements

    • Dramatically increased corporate market position and gross revenues;
    • Utilized a targeted and organized sales approach with an adapted timing to optimize closing rates;
    • Negotiated sales contracts based on agile creative solutions;
    • Daily prospecting to identify potential clients and set-up sales presentations to manage clients expectations
    • Opening new commercial routes for our clients assets in order to protect their main market and distributor's territories
    • Generating revenues in new business fields, as with luxury, commodities, energy
  • GROUPE HERSANT MEDIA - Comareg - Key Account Manager

    2005 - 2011 Negotiation with advertisers and media agencies : Havas Media , OMG, Group M , VivaKi
    Personal goal achieved in 2010 ⇒ 60 % of total sales
    Trafic generator solution provider for retail networks
    Responsible for special ops and Trade Marketing
    Managing and leading a team of 5 people

    2000 - 2005 Development and sales for HEC , ESCP , ESSEC and Polytechnique magazines and media
  • SA MADA-IMPORT.INC (Madagascar) - Director

    1999 - 2000 Trading desk on industrial products and commodities
  • AEC immobilier (Paris) - Consultant

    1997 - 1999 Real Estate trader
  • Editions Nobel (Paris) - Business Unit Director

    1996 - 1997 Team leader in sales
    Managing and leading a team of 7 people
  • Groupe OUNICH (Saint Martin) - Assistant Manager

    1995 - 1996 Assistant manager of a Luxury Resort
  • CPK (Miami) - Partner

    1991 - 1995 Starting a franchise chain in catering


  • HEC

    Jouy En Josas 2013 - 2013 NEGOCIATION & ARGUMENTATION
Annuaire des membres :