Career Objective:
Finding a suitable position of accountant, cost& analytic accountant, or ?management controller? (using analytic accounting to provide decision support and reporting about performance by periodicity between operational levels and managerial activities and proves my effort to apply:
-Costs, pricing policy and revenues analysis& control.
-Explaining activities centers and personnel contributions and responsibilities regarding incomes.
-Mathematic predictions of product or/and services life-cycles and conceive markets trends (season?s phenomenon and probabilities (extrapolations, customers? behaviors).
-The conception of evaluating criteria to reach customer and stakeholders satisfactions.
-Can establish, manage and control budgets in order to minimize costs, increase revenues and computing the difference between what was predicted and what is done or observed, and taking corrective actions.
-Stock management and work flows optimizations and synergies.
-Bargain by justifications& usefulness of actions to take.
-Risks management and the strategic management were also in my field of studies and reflections.
-I?d imagine some ways of voting in order to more satisfy the majority of needs&desires of who give his voice. I name it ?level-headed votings?.
-Other fields of managements like marketing, product conception (mostly the artistic design) are also suitable to my skills. "optimizing solutions, for reaching Clients and stakeholder?s satisfactions, money and growth"...
Mes compétences :
Comptabilité analytique
Comptable Contrôleur de Gestion
Contrôleur de gestion