


En résumé

Seeking for new opportunities abroad in international purchasing starting from 2017.

En recherche de nouvelles opportunités à l'étranger dans le domaine des achats (de type V.I.E ou autres) à partir de début 2017.

Mes compétences :
Business development
Contrôle qualité
RSE Responsabilité Sociale des Entreprises
Achats responsables


  • Bouygues Construction - Acheteur Projets

    GUYANCOURT 2016 - 2016  En charge de familles de produits (béton, CVC/VMC, maçonnerie,etc) pour les chantiers du Nord de la France
     Proposition de solution afin d’optimiser les budgets (variante de produits, etc.)
     Négociation et suivi des fournisseurs
     Résolution des litiges avec les fournisseurs
  • Materis Paints Research and Industries - Raw Materials Purchasing Engineer

    2014 - 2015 • Monthly commodity tender for 4 plants in France, TO: €1.6M
    • Prepared, analysed corporate raw materials annual tenders (EMEA & Argentina), and participated in negotiation o Cellulosic based products and fillers -->2% savings in 2015 vs 2014 portfolio
    • Worked with the R&D department to handle potential raw materials switch
    • Solved European plants issues with suppliers (supply and delivery time)
    • Chemicals monomers monthly report and analysis (titanium, styrene, polypropylene)
  • Consortium Ménager Parisien (CMP) - Quality Control assistant manager

    2013 - 2013 • Pre-shipment inspection (normative and functional testing, reports, ...)
    • Assisted the manager in the review and validation of inspection reports
    • Planned and organized factories inspections
    • Communicated with suppliers and buyers
    • Participated in solving orders issues (quality / production process /…)
    • Allowed goods shipment
    • Training in English of the new Quality Control Assistant Manager
  • Urban Green Energy - Business Development Intern

    2012 - 2012 • Conducted research into perspective markets in Europe. Examination of prospective customers, incentives, installation capabilities

    • Researched new businesses capable of distributing, selling our products

    • Created an intranet for the company

    • Collaborate with all the departments manager to help them with their administration
  • Hermès - Sales Assistant

    Paris 2011 - 2011 • Welcoming and selling to international customers

    • Everyday inventory control and customers special orders


  • KEDGE - Business School Bordeaux (Anciennement BEM)

    Bordeaux 2014 - 2015 • Relevant coursework & projects: cost breakdown, value analysis, international business plan, marketing and purchasing strategy, finance, suppliers analysis
  • Xi'An International Studies University (Xi An Shaanxi)

    Xi An Shaanxi 2012 - 2013 Bachelor of economy

    Relevant coursework: Chinese writing, Chinese speaking, Chinese culture, Negotiation, Economy, etc..
  • Sneh Girls' School (Jaipur)

    Jaipur 2011 - 2011 • School construction in Jaipur’s suburbs with a team of 15 students

    • Created a consistent place where girls can learn with a teacher
  • Ecole Supérieure De Commerce

    La Rochelle 2010 - 2014 Bachelor International

    Major in Purchasing and Supply Chain

    Relevant coursework: Purchasing, supply chain, sustainable purchasing marketing, finance, import/export, law, human ressources, etc,..


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