


En résumé

Sois le changement que tu souhaites voir dans le monde (Gandhi)

Mes compétences :
Analyse de cycle de vie
Management environnemental
Développement durable


  • RDC Environment - Responsable de projet

    2011 - maintenant I am in charge of:
    - the fulfillment of the quality, dead-line and client satisfaction for our Life Cycle Assessment services, as project manager.
    - developing the commercial exchange with the Intetek’s team in China and USA, as comercial developer.
  • RDC Environment - Responsable de la succursale Nord de France

    2009 - maintenant I was in charge of the creation, commercial development and daily management of the regional Branch of RDC Environment in Lille. We especially developed the life cycle thinking services for small businesses
  • BIC (NZ) Ltd - Responsable environnement

    2006 - 2006 I was, during 5 months, the person in charge of the sustainable development program. I created the environmental and security management policy



Annuaire des membres :