


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Lean Manufacturing
Continuous Improvement
Product Lifecycle Management


  • Exide Technologies (France) - Operations Director

    2017 - maintenant Battery plants Transportation. Responsible for 4 plants in Spain, Italy, and Poland. 1300 employees, 15 Mio batteries per year, and 600 Mio EUR budget (125 Mio without components).

    Area of responsibility:
    * Development of strategy for 4 plants across Europe using VSM/VSD. Implementation of automotive mindset throughout the organization.
    * Change of working methods towards the new demands of the market (battery from commodity to key safety and environmental component).
    * Building new focus groups to involve all views of different departments. Focus areas: communication, cooperation, networking and motivation.

    * Secured safety, quality, cost, production and supply chain in whole area of responsibility. Implemented change management mentality.
    * Execution of big capacity increase projects for new technology batteries by influencing other managers' support.
    * Builder of strong network within directors' level producing maximum results by defining processes, trusting each other and delivering.
  • Exide Technologies (Germany) - Plant Manager

    2014 - 2017 Company agent with power of attorney (Gesamtprokura). 800 employees, 1,8 Mio batteries per year, and 150 Mio EUR budget (50 Mio without components).

    Area of responsibility:
    * Implementation of relevant KPIs in all areas of the plant. Creation of understanding in all management levels.
    * Implementation of CIP and Lean Manufacturing strategy. Creation of understanding within the whole organization and on the shopfloor.
    * Implementation of togetherness with the local works council. Creation of other ways of working among departments.
    * Plant KPIs are the new role model for the European organization. KPI reporting and review process were completely implemented.
    * Removal of main bottlenecks of the plant to react faster to customer demands.
    * People strategy, development strategy, key positions strategy, way of working strategy, works council strategy completely implemented.
  • Robert Bosch (India) - Head of Minifacturing

    2012 - 2013 @ Plant in Chakan - India: Head of the Minifactory for new generation products.
    Main Success:
    * Stabilization of plant's deliveries and quality, and sustainable development of local management team supporting team work and individual skill sets.
  • Robert Bosch (Portugal) - Head of Technical Department

    2010 - 2012 @ Plant in Abrantes - Portugal: Engineering and Centre of Competence for Drum Brake. Project Drum Consolidation to develop the plant to double capacity.
    Main Success:
    * Key member of development group focusing on improving the plant's quality, performance, capacity and organization.
  • Robert Bosch (Spain) - Head of Engineering & Maintenance

    2006 - 2009 @ Plant in Lliçà d'Amunt - Spain: Head of the Process
    Engineering & Maintenance group.
    Main Success:
    * Reorganization of plant's maintenance department.
  • Robert Bosch (Spain) - Trainee

    2004 - 2006
  • Cranfield University (UK) - Consultancy work

    2003 - 2004 Knowledge Management project for the company Vaillant Hepworth.
  • EADS (Germany) - Student

    2002 - 2003 Research of application opportunities of CAA in the aeronautic environment: development of a new KBE (Knowledge Based Engineering) tool in CATIA v5.


  • Universidad Politécnica De Madrid (Madrid)

    Madrid 2013 - 2019 Doctor of Philosophy

    In collaboration with the Stiftung Universität Hildesheim (Germany). Topic: Knowledge Management framework based on an Agents Network to support Continuous Improvement in Manufacturing integrating Case-
    Based Reasoning and Product Lifecycle Management.
  • Universidad Politécnica De Madrid (Madrid)

    Madrid 1996 - 2003 Mechanical Engineer

    M.Sc. Thesis at Technische Universität München (Germany).


Annuaire des membres :