- PhD Student
2010 - maintenant
"New characterization methods of solar cells by hyperspectral imaging" thesis at the Institute of Research and Development on Photovoltaic Energy (IRDEP) (EDF, CNRS, Chimie ParisTech). Development of innovative solar cells characterization techniques based on photoluminescence, electroluminescence and electrical measurements.
Developed competencies:
o Team working and international partnerships
o Teaching at Pierre et Marie Curie university (from bachelor to master)
o Set up of optical experiments (including lasers (cw and super-continuum lasers), spectrometers, hyperspectral imager, confocal microscope, temperature dependant measurements, time resolved luminescence, Labview)
o Mathematical data processing (Matlab, OriginLab)
o Simulation of optoelectronic processes (Matlab, SCAPS)