As an instrumentation and control engineer, I ensured since January 2011-uptoday as an Instrumentation & Control engineer in Power Generation Field (Power plants) combined cycle 1200MW.
Tasks (construction phase of the electrical power plant):
- Supervising the construction of a substation with SF6 gas insulation GIS 400KV.
- Reading all HV, diagrams and drawings.
- Installing Local Control Cubicles (LCC) and related cabling between GIS and LCC.
- Preparing the SF6 gas compartments: measure the vacuum, the pressure, the humidity,
- Supervising the construction of emergency black start 12x2MW.
- Quality control (mechanical and electrical) at the 400 KV substation.
- Manage erection crew for the mechanical sub assembly of the GIS switchgear parts.
Tasks (commissioning phase of the electrical power plant):
- Being involved in the commissioning of a 400KV substation.
- Participate at protection commissioning test.
- Attend at the commissioning test of the electrical measurement system (Landys y Gyr).
- Being involved at the insulator washing system of a 400KV substation.
- Being involved in the commissioning of SF6 supervising instrumentation.
- Autonomy control of the emergency batteries at power plant.
- Control systems (MICRO SCADA, DCS, GE- MKVIe).
- SDH & PDH based Telecommunication Systems for remote Monitoring and Control of electrical facilities (Power Plants and Substations).
- Telecommunication and tele-protection based on (CPL,RTU).
- Coordinate with the electrical network operator in order to insure the point to point test and regulating power plant test.
Task (Operation of the electrical power plant):
- Managing Technical issues related to ECA contracts during Operation stages.
- ECA electricity Billing Contracts.
- Preparation of a thermo-dynamic model of the electrical power plant to calculate the net heat rate and net power output.
- Manage a convention with the electrical network operator.
Mes compétences :
Microsoft Excel
Microsoft PowerPoint
Microsoft SharePoint
Microsoft Word
Operations and Maintenance
Programmable Logic Controller
Electricité HT/BT/MT
Pas de formation renseignée