- Ingénieur d'affaires
2017 - maintenant
Avenao Solutions 3d Intégrateur Dassault Systèmes Solidworks
- Ingénieur commercial stagiaire
Montigny Le Bretonneux
2017 - 2017
Formations et certifications au siège de Dassault Systèmes (Vélizy)
CSSP Certified SolidWorks Sales Professional
CSPS Certified Sales Prospecting Specialist
¤ Prospection (150 appels par jour) & Prise de rendez-vous
¤ Développement du portefeuille prospect et client
¤ Construction, proposition et négociation d’offres commerciales
¤ Suivi d’affaires et définition de plans d’actions
¤ Organisation de validation technique avec les ingénieurs avant-vente
Expérience qui a abouti sur une proposition d'embauche
Stockholm University
- Stagiaire PhD
2015 - 2016
I used to work as a PhD during my time in Stockholm. My job was to find the best process to create supercapacitor from biomass. Innovation was the main word of this work through a thesis. Moreover, I had to defend my thesis right after writting it.
Ventac group Irlande
- Assistant ingénieur d'étude
2014 - 2014
During my date at Ventac Group, I had to work independently on acoustic tests on materials. After conducting these tests, my role was to process the results, understand and report its.
Furthermore, I took part to meetings for conceptualizing best acoustics solutions.
Besides that, I used knowledges in acoustics and materials science to implement best isolating materials to each problem, asking by customers, and very often dealing with the automotive sector.