


En résumé

I'm proactive and have sense of urgency, responding actively and positively to challenges and pressures that might show up in high-pace environments. Taking part in problem solving and feeling that I hold a share in the success of the company keep me motivated, as much as proving myself capable of completing challenging tasks, achieving personal and professional growth and developing true relations with people.
My previous experiences living and studying abroad provided me desirable skills and helped me developing emotional intelligence to be a leader and a great team worker in an international environment. I’m able to adapt quickly and present new solutions, being curious and interested about different points of view. I'm clear and objective when communicating. Also, I have professional proficiency in three languages, Portuguese, English and Spanish. I am currently studying French and remembering my 2 years of Italian classes.

Mes compétences :
Microsoft Office
Team building
Business planning


  • Megatecnologia Software - Business Strategy Internship

    2015 - 2015 - Coordinated the creation of a collaborative STRATEGIC PLANNING, review of the business model. Improved market segmentation and total turnover;
    - Developed key PERFORMANCE INDICATORS and ACTION PLANS to achieve objectives in the four perspectives of the Balanced Scorecard.
  • EditoraUFSM - B2B Marketing Internship

    2013 - 2013 I did CLIENT SOURCING through email and telephone and created a Email Marketing newsletter to establish B2B relationship marketing.
    Managed account receivables and inventory.


  • IGR-IAE De Rennes

    Rennes 2016 - maintenant MBA Internation Management

    The program provided me with a panorama of hard and soft skills in International Management, emphasizing the interdependence of strategic, cultural, commercial, legal, financial and managerial issues.
  • Universidad De Sevilla (Sevilla)

    Sevilla 2013 - 2014 Marketing

    During this 6 months exchange program I took courses in Consumer Behavior, Industrial Marketing and Services Marketing.
  • Universidade Federal De Santa Maria (Santa Maria)

    Santa Maria 2011 - 2015 Business Administration

    First place in the selection process to enter the one of the best federal universities in Brazil, between the Top 100 in Latin America (89th position) and which has a low acceptance rate and a really good image with companies.
    The bachelor's program duration in Brazil is four years and provide the students with a broad variety of knowledge in business administration, including Marketing, Human Res


Annuaire des membres :