
Annabelle TEIXEIRA


En résumé

Mes compétences :
Financial analysis
Risk Analysis
Mac os x


  • Genzyme - Central America & Caribbean Financial Controller - VIE

    Saint-Germain-en-Laye 2013 - maintenant Forecasting, Planning & Closing
    • Build up budgets, forecasts and of the long range plan for the cluster (P&L, sales, headcount, cash...),
    • Ensure financial data integrity of the perimeter,
    • Prepare and communicate monthly financial reports.

    Financial Support
    • Provide business information and analysis on the key indicators of the perimeter,
    • Provide financial support to Operations,
    • Assess financial relevance of the internal & external commitments (headcount, contracts, purchases, etc.),
    - Follow-up financial indicators (DSO, inventories, sales in / sales out...).

    Internal Control
    • Coordinate internal control activities within Genzyme CAC in coordination with Shared Services and Latam Region,
    • Contribute to the issuance, communication and training of new policies & procedures when needed.
  • Société Générale - Risk Controller Assistant

    PARIS 2012 - 2012 1. Financial analysis of counterparties’ applications for loan - Duty to anticipate all possible difficulties that might happen in the future according to the counterparties’ situation – If necessary, provide the best possible alternatives to reduce the risk and to meet customers’ expectations.
    2. Participation in the fight against money laundering and corruption – Supervising financial operations of risky clients – Taking care of litigation situations - Working closely with lawyers about liquidation or bankruptcy of professional customers.
    3. Creation of a "Good Practice Guideline" to help the sales force in their work – Aim: reduce daily operational risks.
  • Société Générale - Financial Analyst

    PARIS 2011 - 2012 1. Financial analysis of professional counterparties (balance sheet analysis) - Recommendation on their applications for loan
    2. Audits of counterparties’ accounts - Summary of banking products held by the company - Upgrading legal information about the company.
    3. Monitoring “Know Your Customer” action – Identifying customers to improve anti-money laundering - Searching for information on effective control of groups and companies - Creation of organizational chart and KYC forms.
  • Société Générale - Head of Private Customers Assistant

    PARIS 2011 - 2011 1. Analysis the performance of thirty nine banking agencies through the study of their weekly production and objectives - Creating an Excel tools to automate and simplify the process - Saving time.
    2. Analysis of business transactions

    3. In charge of Societe Generale’s stand: "Maroc Immo", May 6, 2011 - Logistics of the event – Working closely with Paris.
  • SKEMA Business School - Project Manager - Marketing

    Lille 2010 - 2010 1. Looking for sponsors.
    2. Creation of SKEMA marketing campaign - Presentation of SKEMA Business School.
    3. Welcoming students and organizing their stay and oral tests.
    4. Developing and controlling the planning of the team composed by twenty members.
  • Skema Conseil - Junior Enterprise of SKEMA BS - Treasurer/Accountant

    2010 - 2011 Market Research industry, accredited ISO 9001 Consulting firm - Realization of market researches, satisfaction surveys, study flows, business plans and feasibility studies.

    1. Establishing the taxes and social statements: VAT and URSSAF
    2. Updating and controlling budgets for each division: sales, human resources, quality and information system for example.
    3. Supporting the creation of two other Skema Conseil in Lille and Paris : name, logo, and standard documents for cash management.
    4. Participation in the development of a common business strategy for the three entities.
    5. Training the treasurer and accountant in Paris

    In 2012, Skema Conseil Lille was considered of being the best Junior-Enterprise in France.

    6. As a member of the Board of Directors:
    • Preparation of internal and external audits
    • Definition and implementation of business strategy
    • Participation in regional CNJE congress (National Confederation of Junior Enterprises)


  • Skema Business School

    Suzhou - Shanghai 2013 - 2013 This exchange was a great opportunity to discover a booming country with such a rich and different culture. I had the chance to visit several cities and regions such as Suzhou, Shanghai, Beijing, Xi’an and Huangshan (the Yellow Mountains).
    I learnt a lot about myself as cultural differences and communication difficulties were very strong. It really permits me to enhance my adaptability.
  • Skema Business School

    Sophia Antipolis 2009 - 2012 Master in Management - spécialisation Corporate Financial Management - 1. L3 (first year): core curriculum – main subjects: finance, accounting, law, marketing.
    2. M1 (second year) - exclusively in English - Internship at Societe Generale (Head of Private Customers Assistant) during the second semester.
    3. Choosing to make a “gap year” (third year) - Financial Analyst and Risk Controller Assistant
  • Classe Préparatoire Aux Grandes Écoles, Lycée Claude Fauriel

    Saint Etienne 2007 - 2009 Option économique et commerciale - For competitive entrance to French Business Schools

    Main subjects:
    • Economic Analysis
    • General Knowledge
    • Mathematics
    • English
    • Spanish


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