
Anne-Cécile BOIN


En résumé

> Detail oriented with a can do approach to problems and organizational skills to ensure deadlines, objectives and budget
> Enjoys being part of a successful and productive team - Ability to work with cross-functionnal teams
> Brings positive energy, hardwork and dynamism

Follow me on Twitter: @AnneCcileBoin

Mes compétences :


  • CA Technologies - EMEA Marketing Analyst

    Puteaux 2015 - maintenant Work with field marketing and integrated marketing teams to design and optimize campaigns that help move leads though the funnel.

    - Create, manage and execute Marketing campaigns utilizing Marketo and Salesforce.com.
    - Coordinate elements from field marketing and corporate marketing to create demand generation campaigns that accelerate the lead lifecycle and ultimately result in higher conversion to sales opportunities.
    - Advise teams of best practices with regard to marketing automation capabilities, testing and projected results of programs that reduce lead fatigue, opt-outs and increase conversion through our lead stages with the ultimate goal being an increase in revenue attributed to these efforts.
    - Monitor lead lifecycle and proactively coordinate with sales teams to create a calendar of activity in support of moving leads through the funnel.
    - Support the marketing automation team in various areas such as database management, email and landing page creation, campaign set-up and execution, as well as fundamental reporting related to these efforts.
  • Aressy & Associés for Google for Work - BtoB Marketing Coordinator

    2014 - 2014 Vendoring for Google for Work

    - Marketing project management lead for BtoB events - About 50 third party and Google events: breakfasts, happy hours, conferences, roundtables. Managing the communication process, logistics and event contents.
    - Atmosphere Paris 2014 (http://www.atmosphereparis.com).
    Annual Enterprise event: 700 C-level customers attendeed one-week event dedicated to digital transformation, with a 4.9/5 satisfaction rate. In charge of emailing campaign, website content, coordination between marketing, sales and third party.
    - Process implementation : guidelines, tutorials and tools creation for SEMEA team
    - Internal communication : event communication for Enterprise team
    - Strong relationship with Sales teams, 35 people on events implementation and follow-up
    - Coordination and relationship with 5 French professional associations

    Google for work is a service from Google that provides customizable enterprise versions of several Google products.
  • Microsoft - Chargée de Références Clients et Assistante en Communication

    Issy-les-Moulineaux. 2012 - 2013 o Gestion de projets: Briefing agences et suivi des continus éditoriaux et graphiques, coordination équipes internes marketing produit Microsoft, définition stratégie Année 2014, suivi des indicateurs de performance site, production de livrables off-line et on-line, refonte site
    o Communication interne & externe : Rédaction newsletter mensuelle (base de 500 contacts), communication TV interne (1 400 employés), site externe Références Clients http://www.microsoft.com/france/references/
    o Collaboration étroite et mise en place d’outils de synchronisation avec l’équipe Relations Presse
    o Communication division Education : organisation d’évènements (Tour de France Windows 8 pour l’Education, Ipag PowerPoint Battle, Classe immersive), campagnes emailing
  • Fox International Channels France - Assistante en Communication et Relations Presse

    Paris 2011 - 2012 - Réalisation des supports de communication : communiqués de presse, bulletins de programmes, temps forts, dossier de presse
    - Participation à l'organisation d'évènements : conférence de presse de rentrée, projections hebdomadaires, voyages de presse, interviews, opérations commerciales ( Big Cat Initiative)
    - Relations téléspectateurs : informations programmes et chaînes
    - Relations journalistes: informations programmes et programmations spéciales, évènements, DVD
    - Coordination étroite avec agence de communication sur les différents supports de communication
  • Farvest Group - Assistante en communication et Marketing

    2010 - 2010 - Prospection Business School & Universités européennes
    - Création de bases de données et mise à jour du CRM
    - Participation aux évènements ( HR One Gala, Business Games)
  • Farvest. - Assistante en Marketing & Communication

    2010 - 2010 - Prospection Business School & Universités européennes
    - Création de bases de données et mise à jour du CRM
    - Participation aux évènements ( HR One Gala, Business Games)
  • Decathlon - Vendeuse

    Villeneuve d'Ascq 2009 - 2009 - Vente et conseil à la clientèle
    - Gestion des stocks
    - Organisation du linéaire


  • Grenoble Ecole De Management

    Grenoble 2010 - 2013 Etudiante en dernière année, j'ai intégré Grenoble Ecole de Management en 2010.
    Pendant ma deuxième année, j'ai d'abord suivi le parcours English Track, pour ensuite me spécialiser dans la communication.
  • Université Rennes 2 Haute Bretagne (Rennes)

    Rennes 2007 - 2010 Commerce International

    Marketing - Communication - Droit des entreprises - Relations Internationales - Finance - Ressources Humaines


Annuaire des membres :